On August 31, a general meeting of a faculty and teaching corporation chaired by the Bishop of Zvenigorod Theodorite took place in at the Moscow Theological Academy.
On August 30, the Bishop of Zvenigorod Theodorite, Rector of the Moscow Theological Academy, chaired the first in a new academic year meeting of the Administrative Council.
According to the decree of His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill, Priest Pavel Lizgunov was approved as the Vice-Rector for academic work of the Moscow Theological Academy.
A series of training webinars for the Academy teachers on working in the Electronic Information and Educational Environment (EEOS) takes place from March 20 to 25.
In order to fulfil the regulations of the Hierarchy and the Study Committee of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Academy will switch to distance learning for the quarantine period.
The publishing house of the Biblical and Theological Institute published a book by Oleg Davydov, Professor of the Moscow Theological Academy "The Revelation of Love. The Trinitarian truth of being".
Today, a first-year year student of the Moscow Theological Academy Pavel Denisik met with soldiers doing their duties in the Moscow region. He told to 500 conscripts about prenatal development of a child and some consequences of abortion according to modern scientific views.
On February 27, the bishop of Zvenigorod Pitirim and the metropolitan of Tambov and Rasskazov Theodosius, Rector of the Tambov Theological Seminary, signed a partnership agreement between two educational institutions.
On February 26 the exhibition "Holy Trinity St. Sergiu’s Laura in contemporary painting" was opened in the Elizabethan Hall of the Moscow Theological Academy. The exhibition presents the landscapes of the “Zolotoy Ples” Gallery performed at the open air sessions in the Trinity-Sergiu’s Laura in 2017-2019.
Priest Vladimir Duhovich, PhD in Biology, Head of a research center of bioethics and high technologies at the Moscow Theological Academy took part in a programme on “SPAS” TV channel. He presented some controversies which exist between public and religious ethic.