Moscow region, Sergiev Posad, Lavra, Academy

A series of training webinars for the Academy teachers on working in the Electronic Information and Educational Environment (EEOS) takes place from March 20 to 25.
In order to fulfil the regulations of the Hierarchy and the Study Committee of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Academy will switch to distance learning for the quarantine period.
Starting from March 18th, the Moscow Theological Academy temporarily switches to distance learning. Classrooms are canceled and students sent home while the epidemiological situation improves.
A second-year Master student of the Moscow Theological Academy Nikolay Sapsai took part in a round table discussion held in the programme “Re: action” on the SPAS TV channel and dedicated to the current state of affairs in Montenegro provoked by the enactment of the controversial Freedom and religion Act.
On March 11, the bishop of Zvenigorod Pitirim, Rector of the Moscow Theological Academy, performed a passion service with the reading of an akathist to the Passion of Christ. It took place in the academic home church of the Intercession of Theotokos.
On March 10, Bishop Panteleimon, Chairman of the Synodal Department for Charity and Social activity, made a speech in the Great Hall of the Moscow Theological Activity. He told students about Synodal Department work and emphasized the importance of participating in the church social work.
On March 11, the next meeting of the Scientific and Methodological Council of the Moscow Theological Academy was held. The meeting was attended by vice-rectors and representatives of the departments, members of the Training and Methodological Department, the dean’s office and the MThA press office.
The publishing house of the Biblical and Theological Institute published a book by Oleg Davydov, Professor of the Moscow Theological Academy "The Revelation of Love. The Trinitarian truth of being".
Today, a first-year year student of the Moscow Theological Academy Pavel Denisik met with soldiers doing their duties in the Moscow region. He told to 500 conscripts about prenatal development of a child and some consequences of abortion according to modern scientific views.
On March 7 and 8 the celebration the Triumph of Orthodoxy took place in the academic church of the Intercession of the Theotokos. Evening service was performed by bishop of Zvenigorod Pitirim, Rector of the Moscow Theological Academy.
On Friday, March 6, of the first week of Great Lent, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill performed the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts in the Holy Trinity- St. Sergius Laura. He was accompanied by the bishop of Zvenigorod Pitirim, Rector of the Moscow Theological Academy.
On March 4th, the bishop Pitirim of Zvenigorod performed the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts in the Intercession Academic Church. In the evening, the MThA rector served vespers with a canon of St. Andrew of Crete in the seminary church of St. John Climacus.