Μόσχα, Σέργκιεβ Ποσάντ, Λάβρα, Ακαδημία

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Entrance exams to the Icon Painting Faculty of the Moscow Theological Academy

On July 1 and 2, applicants of the MThA Icon Painting Faculty sit their entrance exams. People wishing to receive an icon-painting education within the walls of the Academy came from different parts of Russia.

On the first day, the applicants had an interview with Archimandrite Luka (Golovkov), Dean of the Icon-painting faculty.

On July 2, applicants presented a range of their creative works and a copy of an icon fragment. This year, copies were prepared in advance and brought for further evaluation by the commission. 

Before presenting some creative work, the applicants performed their knowledge of prayers and skills in Church Slavonic reading.

At the end of examination, the commission made a decision on recruitment for the upcoming 2021/2022 academic year. 

On July 3, Archimandrite Luke, Dean of the Icon-painting faculty, announced a list of first-year students of the Moscow Theological Academy. 

They were: 

  1. Alikhashkina Ekaterina Sergeevna;
  2. Bagdanova Angelina (Alina) Alexandrovna;
  3. Guskova Elizaveta Stanislavovna;
  4. Isaeva Alexandra Vyacheslavovna;
  5. Isaeva Anastasia Dmitrievna;
  6. Kadyrgulov Elizbar (Eric) Faritovich;
  7. Krasavina Anna Alekseevna;
  8. Lemeshko Valentina Aleksandrovna;
  9. Mamonova Maria Dmitrievna;
  10. Molchanova Maria Andreevna;
  11. Novoselsky Rustic (Ruslan) Suleimanovich;
  12. Denis Nosov;
  13. Pavlenko Petr Andreevich;
  14. Ilya Pachkalov;
  15. Ponomareva Maria Viktorovna;
  16. Smolyakova Alexandra (Alesya) Sergeevna;
  17. Suharnikova Natalia Sergeevna;
  18. Olga A. Toloknova;
  19. Tyurina Anna Khamidovna;
  20. Uzun Anastasia Georgievna;
  21. Frolova Nadezhda Vasilievna; Yakovlev John (Daniel) Eduardovich.

For the 2nd year:

Tonku Lyudmila (Sabina) Ilyinichna. 

Other students were recommended for icon-painting departments at the Kursk Theological Seminary and the St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Humanitarian University. 

The MThA Press Office


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