The Moscow Theological Academy celebrated the Triumph of Orthodoxy
On March 12 and 13, the Bishop of Zvenigorod Theodorite, Rector of the Moscow Theological Academy, celebrated Sunday services at the Intercession Academic Church.
On the first Sunday of the Great Lent, the Holy Church celebrates the Triumph of Orthodoxy marking the victory over the iconoclasm in IX century.
On March 12, the Bishop of Zvenigorod Theodorite performed an All-night vigil at the Intercession Academic Church co-served by the clergy of the academic church.
Before reading the Kathisma, Ivan Padyukin, a 2nd year Master's student, delivered a sermon:
“Today our Holy Church celebrates the Triumph of Orthodoxy. The establishment of this holiday is associated with the struggle of the Church against the iconoclasm heresy in the VIII-IX centuries. Iconoclasts believed that the use of holy images is against teaching of the Church and a kind of idolatry. However, on the 7th Ecumenical Council, the fathers of Church managed to refute this wrong idea. They proclaimed "the honor given to the image passes to its Archetype." In other words, we do not worship its material, paint and other physical substances. We look at the image depicted on an icon and venerate the one who we see there. Thus, material images are valuable for their spiritual and symbolic meaning , which help us to ascend to the Divine".
On March 13, the Rector celebrated the Divine Liturgy co-served by teachers and students in the priesthood.
At the antiphons, Bishop theodorite tonsured 3rd year undergraduate students Paisiy Lisnichenko, Alexander Rykov, Daniil Lysenko and Ivan Grigorovich as Readers.
After reading the Gospel, Bishop Theodorite addressed an assembly with his archpastoral word.After reading the Gospel, Bishop Theodorite addressed an assembly with his archpastoral word.
After singing the sacrament verse, Georgy Grebenshchikov, a fourth-year undergraduate student, delivered a sermon:
“Last Sunday was called the Week of the Last Judgment, and now we celebrate the Triumph of Orthodoxy. In two weeks it will be the Week of Adoration of the Holy Cross. Thus, the Triumph of Orthodoxy symbolically comes after the Last Judgment and follows by the Cross of Christ. Let us think, brothers and sisters, how will the Last Judgment end for people who do not need Christ? The Holy Gospel gives us the answer «He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned» (Mark 16:16). What is the Last Judgment for people who have cleansed their conscience by repentance and have strong faith in Christ? It is an unshakable hope of meeting Him and reaching an everlasting life. What is the Cross for people who consciously reject Christ? This is an instrument of death. And what is the Cross for us who believe that Christ shed His blood for our remission? This is the banner of the victory over the death, it is a symbol of forgiveness and the gift of Eternal Life. Here is the answer to our question. The Triumph of Orthodoxy, as the rejoicing of the true Gospel faith cannot be without the thought of the last Judgment and the hope for living with the Lord.”
At the end of the service, Bishop Theodorite performed the rite of the Triumph of Orthodoxy together with the clergy of the academic church.
Background information:
Chanting performed by a male choir conducted by V.V. Chuvilov and a mixed choir led by K.A. Tarelkina.
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