Sunday services at the Moscow Theological Academy
On December 26 and 27, Sunday services dedicated to All Holy Forefathers, took place at the Intercession Academic Church.
On Sunday before the Nativity of Christ, the Church commemorates the All Holy Forefathers from Adam to the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph’s parents.
“Come, let us praise the forefathers with psalms. Adam, Enoch, Noah, Melchizedek, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob followed the law of those who lived. Remember Moses and Aaron, Jesus, Samuel and David together with Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel and twelve prophets such as Elijah, Elisha, Zechariah and the Baptist as well as others who preached Christ, Who is our life and resurrection!”
В следующее воскресенье — Неделю святых отец — Церковь будет вспоминать родственников Христа по плоти.
The Old Testament righteous lived expecting for the Messiah. They waited with hope and faith for the day when their deliverance from sin and death will embody in the God’s Anointed One. On the eve of the Nativity of Christ, the Church reminds the Old Testament righteous.
“By faith You have justified the forefathers, in them You have built the Church from all nations. The saints boast in glory as from their seed appeared glorious fruit without seed who gave birth to You. By their prayers, Christ God, save our souls”.
Also, the liturgical texts books mention three pious boys Ananias, Azariah and Misail who were not afraid of cruel death and remained faithful to the True God.
«Рукотворному образу не поклонившись, но Естеством Неописуемым защитившись, треблаженные, подвигом в огне вы прославились и, среди пламени нестерпимого стоя, Бога призывали: “Поспеши, о Сострадательный, и обратись к нам на помощь, как Милостивый, ибо что захочешь, Ты можешь совершить!».
On December 26, Archimandrite Hilarion (Forkavets) officed an all-night vigil at the Intercesson Academic Church co-served by teachers and students in the priesthood.
On December 27, Archimandrite Benedict (Knyazev) celebrated the Divine Liturgy.
Archimandrite Simeon (Tomachinsky), Associate professor of the Philology Department at the Moscow Theological Academy, gave a sermon, in which he talked about the plot of a biblical story about three youths in a cave, Ananias, Azariah and Misail. It becomes the most accurate metaphor of our life:
“The burning stove represents a life with its trials and temptations. This is our heart with its sin and idolatry in the most varied forms. Turning to God, confessing our sins and being grateful is the only thing we can do in this all-burning flame on a way to a beautiful shady garden. "
Background information:
Chanting performed by a male choir under a conduct of Hieromonk Nestor (Volkov) and a female choir led by S.P. Borovinskaya.
MThA Press Office
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