The graduation ceremony at the MThA Missionary Department Evening Courses of Primary Theological Education
On June 27, the graduation ceremony for listeners of the Missionary Department Evening Courses of Primary Theological Education took place at the Moscow Theological Academy.
Очные курсы со сроком обучения в 3 года открыты в 1999 году. Занятия проводятся в формате вечерней школы, по 3 урока в день, с 17:45 по 20:15, по 3 учебных дня в неделю. Для Богословских курсов этот выпуск является 16-м. Кроме того, он стал первым для нового заведующего Миссионерским отделом МДА – иеромонаха Фаддея (Прядуна).
As part of bringing the program to church-wide educational standards, this year graduates received an updated certificate of a course completion.
The theological courses of the Missionary Department will allow graduates to take their first step in the field of social and educational activities at the Orthodox parishes, provide the missionary and educational work for the younger generation. Such theological courses presuppose that students have acquired some basic theological knowledge, which is useful both for their missionary activity and for their own spiritual benefit.
The training is carried out according to the state standard of Theology programme. The teachers are graduates and current employees of the Moscow Theological Academy and other higher theological educational institutions.
The course registration for 2021-2022 academic year starts in September.
There are no restrictions on age and a level of education.
For more detailed information please contact or call +79167552317.
MThA Press Office