New issue of a scientific journal the “Bible and Christian Antiquity”
The second issue of the 2022 “Bible and Christian Antiquity” journal is out of print. There are fourteen publications divided in six sections such as critical editions, text reconstructions, translations and commentaries; researches; notes and bibliographical reviews; new books; general reviews; chronicle and review of scientific events and conferences.

The issue also presents some exclusive materials. For the first time, a critical text of the "History of the Gaul" describing the history of Christianity in Ethiopia is published. The text is accompanied by translation and commentary. This text in Geez language is the oldest example of literature dedicated to the Oromo people. The material was prepared by E.K. Gusarova, PhD in History, a researcher at the Department of the Near and Middle East of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
A. Grünert, a postgraduate student of the Higher School of Economics, presented a Russian translation of the ancient Greek “Conversations III and IV on Ps. 36" by Origen. The text is accompanied by an introductory article and comments. It is a continuation of the first and second Origen’s homilies on Psalm 36 published in No. 3 (11), 2021. Published for the first time in Russian.
An afterword to a book by D. Bonhöffer "Nachfolge" written by Martin Kuske and Ilse Tödt, publishers of the fourth volume of "Dietrich Bonhöffer Werke" (the second collected works of D. Bonhoeffer) is presented for the first time in Russian. The text touches upon early ethical views of D. Bonhoeffer (1926–1929); his turn to pacifism and then to Scripture (1930–1932). Translation from German and comments done by D.N. Lebedev.
The “Research” section contains two publications. O.N. Nogovitsina, “The Argument of Severus of Antioch on the absurdity of confessing two common natures of Christ, the reciprocal argumentation of John of Caesarea and the Christological controversy of the Monophysites and Chalcedonites of the 6th–7th centuries”, part 2. The first part was published in 2021. No. 4 (12). M.R. Nenarokova concerns the biblical exegesis of the image of a ship in the writings of Western European theologians in the early Middle Ages.
The Notes and Reviews section includes three publications. A.V. Tamrazov presented a project for a critical edition, translation and study of the "Book of Unity" by the Nestorian monk Simeon the Wronged (XIII century). The other two reviews cover publications in “Apocrypha” issues (1992-1993) and the Journal of Ecclesiastical History (Vol. 71 (2020), Issues 2 and 3).
The New Books section provides an overview of ten monographs on Biblical exegesis and Theology in the “Peeters” series “Contributions to Biblical Exegesis & Theology Three Reviews”: “Aramaic Studies” (2018, vol. 16); textbook "The Scriptures of the Prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah" (2021) by archdeacon I. Shevtsov and a monograph “The Bible: what it “really” was?” by A. Desnitsky.
The Chronicle section includes an overview of two conferences "The Christian East: Interaction with Other Cultures" and "Exegesis and Hermeneutics of Holy Scripture".
Deacon Sergiy Kozhukhov, MThA Associate Professor, an Editor-in-Chief of the "Bible and Christian Antiquity" journal
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