Moscow region, Sergiev Posad, Lavra, Academy

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Bishop Theodorite performed the presbyter's and deacon's ordinations

On December 13, the Holy Church celebrates the memory of the First-Called Apostle Andrew. He was the first of the apostles to follow Christ, and then brought his brother Peter. After the Descent of the Holy Spirit, the apostle went to preach in Asia Minor. On his way, St. Andrew endured many sorrows for Christ such as exile, offense or even an open aggression. However, the faithful disciple selflessly preached the Gospel, told about the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and through him the Lord performed many miracles.

Также в этот день в Покровском академическом храме почтили память святого апостола Андрея Первозванного. Он пер­вым из апо­сто­лов по­сле­до­вал за Хри­стом, а за­тем при­вел ко Спасителю сво­е­го бра­та Петра. После Сошествия Святого Духа апостол отправился проповедовать в Малую Азию. На своем пути святой Андрей претерпевал множество скорбей за Христа: его изгоняли из городов, избивали и побивали камнями. Но верный ученик самоотверженно благовествовал о Воскресении Иисуса Христа, и по его молитвам Господь совершал множество чудес.

On December 12, Bishop of Zvenigorod Theodorite officed an all-night vigil in the Intercession Academic Church. During the canon, he ordained Vadim Fedotov, a second-year student of the Moscow Theological Academy, into a subdeacon.

On December 13, Bishop Theodorite celebrated the Divine Liturgy in the academic church. After reading the Holy Gospel, he addressed the worshipers with an archpastoral word.

After the Cherubic Song, Bishop Theodorite ordained Deacon Nikolai Savenkov, a second-year Master’s student, into a presbyter.

At the end of the Eucharistic Canon, he ordained Subdeacon Vadim Fedotov into a deacon.

Before the Holy Communion, Hieromonk Kassian (Plosskiy) gave a sermon, in which he recalled St. Apostle Andrew’s life and encouraged to follow an example of the apostle’s faith and his hope on the Son of God.

At the end of the service, the clergy of an academic church performed a glorification to the First-Called Apostle Andrew. Bishop Theodorite greeted Priest Andrei Sekriy, Assistant to the Vice-rector for educational work, on his 30th anniversary and a name day and presented him a collection of St. Ignatius Brianchaninov’s books.

В конце богослужения епископ Феодорит поздравил с юбилеем и тезоименитством помощника проректора по воспитательной работе иерея Андрея Секрия и подарил ему собрание сочинений святителя Игнатия Брянчанинова.

Background information:

Chanting performed by a male choir sang under the conduct of V.V. Chuvilov and a female choir led by S.P. Borovinskaya.

MThA Press Office

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