Moscow region, Sergiev Posad, Lavra, Academy

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Sunday services on the Week of the Prodigal Son

Today believers listen to the parable of the Prodigal son, which Christ told His disciples.

In the parable, the image of a father symbolizes merciful God accepting and forgiving His creation.

On February 19, Archimandrite Luke (Golovkov) led an All-night vigil at the Intercession Church of the Moscow Theological Academy co-served by the academic clergy.

During the service, Konstantin Khachapuridze, a first-year Master's student, delivered a sermon:

The parable of the prodigal son shows the image of God's mercy. St. Ambrose of Milan calls it "the Gospel within the Gospel". So, it translates a piece of good news about the salvation of the human kind. Today, the publican’s prayer “God, be merciful to me, a sinner” is replaced by repentant words of a son turned to his father’s bosom: «Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight, and am no longer worthy to be called your son” (Luke 15:21). After that, he was accepted with the words “for this my son was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found” (Luke 15:24). All of us have already received our part of the estate from God, in other words, we have received a chance for salvation and an eternal life. May the Lord grant us His grace and strength to worthily pass through the Great Lent.

On February 20, Archimandrite Luke (Golovkov) performed the Divine Liturgy co-served by teachers and students in the priesthood.

After the sacrament verse, Alexander Igonin, a 2nd-year Master's student, delivered a sermon:

Let us be true Christians and worthily fulfill God's commandments inspired by love for God. It is necessary that such Christian duties as reading prayers, attending divine services, participating in the Sacraments, etc. should not be a simple formality. The main thing is to approach such things with true faith, heartfelt and sincere desire to please God.

Background information:

Chanting performed by a male academic choir under the conduct of E.V. Borovinsky and a mixed choir led by K.A. Tarelkina.

MThA Press Office

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