Moscow region, Sergiev Posad, Lavra, Academy

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The Academy prepared a memorial concert dedicated to the Victory Day

On May 9, 2023, a concert dedicated to the 78th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War took place in the Great Hall of the Moscow Theological Academy.

The traditional concert dedicated to the Victory Day was prepared by students of the Moscow Theological Academy. Every year, teachers, students and numerous guests of the Lavra and the Academy gather in the Great Hall to listen to music and poems of the war years.

At the opening of the concert, the audience prayfully honored the memory of the warriors laid down their lives on the battlefield.

Nikolay Vaitsekhovsky, a third-year undergraduate student, opened the concert with a song "Birch", which followed by “Old Waltz” performed by Yevgeny Shagunov, a fourth-year undergraduate student, and “My Beloved…” sang by Ivan Bernatsky, a third-year undergraduate student.

Many pieces of music and poems were familiar and well-known compositions.

The concert program included such works as “White panamas”, “A ballad about a boy”, “We need one victory…”, “Wait for me and I will return” by D. Hvorostovsky, “Grandpa and Grandma” by A. Tvardovsky, “Saint God”, “Tanks rumbled on the battlefield”, “I hear the voice of a mother…”, “From the heroes of bygone times”, “I asked Russia”, “Mother's ballad” and “Small land”. L. Zykina, “Baksanskaya”, “We haven’t rested for such a long time…”, “Clouds in blue”, “Waving without looking”, “Belarus. Song of the partisans”, “Grandfather Agvan”, “It is true that there was Stalingrad…”, “Sevastopol” by A. Marshal, “You survived the soldier…”, “Mother's Prayer”, “Victory Day”, “Katyusha”.

At the end of the concert, Archpriest Sergiy Zabelich sent Bishop Kirill’s blessing and thanked its managers.

MThA Press Office

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