В Московской духовной академии прошел вечер памяти митрополита Гурия (Егорова) — Московская духовная академия
Moscow region, Sergiev Posad, Lavra, Academy

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The Academy held a memorial evening in honour of Metropolitan Guriy (Egorov)

On May 12, the Moscow Theological Academy and the Orthodox St. Tikhon’s Humanitarian University organised a memorial evening in honour of Metropolitan Guriy (Egorov) with the presentation of a monograph and the website.

The presentation was attended by a scientific editor of the monograph, Priest Alexander Mazyrin, Dr. of Church History, PhD of Historical Sciences and the author of the book Dmitry Pavlov, PhD in Theology.

Background information:

On May 6, the Moscow Theological Academy hosted an exhibition dedicated to Metropolitan Guria. The documents and photographs presented in the exposition tell about the childhood and youth years of the future bishop, his studies at the St. hierarchal ministry in various departments.

MThA Press Office