An Open Door Day at the Moscow Theological Academy
At the Open-Door day future applicants of the Moscow Theological Academy have an opportunity to get acquainted with educational programs at the undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate levels, as well as for the faculties of church singing and icon painting.

First of all, future applicants and their parents had a general meeting with the administration of the Academy. The meeting was preceded by a short video on history and current state of the theological school.

The Bishop of Sergiev Posad and Dmitrov Kirill, Rector of the Moscow Theological Academy, greeted the guests:
Today you have a chance to get acquainted with the educational process of the largest theological school of the Russian Orthodox Church. The Moscow Theological Academy is located within the walls of the ancient Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, and this fact has a great meaning for a theological school. For many centuries, our Academy has been training clergy, and in recent years icon painters and choir directors for almost all dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church. Amazingly, there are young people who want to serve God and who also understand the difficulties of this service. In serving God and His Holy Church there are many joyful and inspiring moments that are even difficult to convey in human language. But as it is written: «Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him» (1 Cor.2:9). Of course, these words refer to the everlasting life, but to some extent, as spiritual work progresses, people could express these feeling here while serving God. Many holy fathers compare the life path of a Christian with the Gospel episode when the Lord showed His glory to the disciples, but then the disciples themselves had to work a lot for the sake of Christ and His Church. Studying is a lot of work. I always tell both applicants and students that hard work makes a person happy. Now, of course, it is the time when opposite ideas of indulging materially and spiritually dominate. In fact, the hardworking person turns out to be truly happy. If a person loves life difficulties and accepts them with faith that they are given by God, then he will live joyfully. And a person who tries to escape from difficulties will definitely stumble upon them. He begins to be indignant, irritated, grumble and makes his life even more difficult than it could be other ways with God.
Of course, we remember that our university is a theological school, and not a secular educational institution. Here we focus on self-education and self-discipline. The student should live a Christian life, confess, partake of the Holy Communion, pray, attend services and, of course, have his own inner spiritual experience. It is important that a person enriches himself during his studies not only with knowledge, but also with his spiritual experience.
Then, Priest Pavel Lizgunov, Vice-rector for Academic Affairs, made a speech. He told about the aims and objectives facing the Academy, and presented the structure of the theological school. The Vice-rector paid special attention to the curriculum of the Theological and pastoral faculty.

Hieromonk Cassian (Plosky), Senior Assistant to the Vice-Rector for Educational Work, spoke about the educational process and the Charter of the Moscow Theological Academy.

Khristina Brilenkova, an executive secretary of the admissions committee, informed future applicants about the rules of the 2024 admissions campaign and indicated the list of required documents.

Next, guests of the theological school were able to get acquainted with the work and educational process of each faculty separately.

In the Elizabeth Hall of the Academy, Archimandrite Luka (Golovkov) met with the future applicants to the Faculty of Icon Painting and Church Art. During the conversation, the Dean of the Faculty told about the rules and necessary skills, as well as an internal routine of a student at the Icon-painting and Church Art Department.

Hegumen Lazar (Gnativ), Dean of the Church Singing Art faculty, met with applicants and introduced the faculty’s curriculum and the list of entrance examinations.

Heads of Master's profiles and Postgraduate studies at the Academy presented educational prospects implemented at the second and third stages of the higher education.

Archpriest Sergiy Maratkanov, Head of the Correspondence Studies Department, spoke about the specifics of studying at the Moscow Theological Academy, a list of required documents and the level of knowledge.

After lunch applicants were taken on a guided tour round the Academy and the Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra.

More detailed information you can find in the section for "Applicants"..
MThA Press Office