The Academy hosted the second day of the conference "The Visible and Invisible Worlds of Pavel Florensky" organized by the Moscow State University
On October 21–22, 2022, the international scientific conference “The Visible and Invisible Worlds of Pavel Florensky” dedicated to the 140th anniversary of a philosopher, scientist and theologian Priest Pavel Al. Florensky (1882–1937) and the 70th anniversary of Hegumen Andronik (Trubachev, 1952–2021).
On October 21, a plenary session took place at the Philosophical Faculty of the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. V.A. Sadovnichiy, Rector of the Moscow State University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and the Bishop of Zvenigorod Kirill, Rector of the Moscow Theological Academy, opened the event with welcoming speeches.
The second day of the conference was held in the Elizabethan Hall of the Moscow Theological Academy. At the beginning, a small choir of the MThA Church Singing Art Faculty under the conduct of Ksenia Alekseeva performed some liturgical hymns written by Deacon Sergey Trubachev.
After that, Associate Professor Alexei Pavlovich Kozyrev, Acting Dean of the Philosophical Faculty of the Moscow State University, PhD in Philosophical Sciences, Dmitry Kirillovich Bogatyrev, Rector of the Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy, Andrey Igorevich Shafarevich, Dean of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of the Moscow State University and Alina Nikolaevna Saprykina, Executive Director at the Sergiev Posad State Historical and Art Museum-Reserve, said their welcoming speeches. All greetings emphasized on the historical moment of holding such an event within the walls of the Moscow Theological Academy, where Priest Pavel Florensky and Hegumen Andronik (Trubachev) both studied.
Archpriest Alexander Zadornov, PhD in Theology, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Theological Affairs of the Moscow Theological Academy, spoke about the wide range of fields, in which Priest Pavel Florensky was interested in. His theological works are of the great value for modern Russian higher educational institutions.
Alexey Pavlovich Kozyrev, Acting Dean of the Philosophical Faculty of the Moscow State University, spoke about the relationship between Priest Pavel Florensky and A.S. Petrovsky, who studied at the Academy before Priest Pavel entered it.
Maria Yuryevna Tikhonova, Director of the Foundation for Science and Orthodox Culture of Priest Pavel Florensky, presented a memorial program prepared to Priest Pavel Florensky’s anniversary.
The topics of other reports can be found in the conference program.
At the end of the second day, participants visited the Home-Museum of Priest Pavel Florensky in Sergiev Posad.
MThA Press Office
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