Moscow region, Sergiev Posad, Lavra, Academy

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The Academy celebrated festive services on the Day of St. Philaret of Moscow

Сегодня Русская Православная Церковь чтит память святителя Филарета, митрополита Московского.

Today the Russian Orthodox Church honors the memory of St. Philaret, Metropolitan of Moscow. According to the recollections of his contemporaries, St. Philaret was a selfless and caring archpastor. He was also known for his scientific works especially the Russian translation of Bible and "Christian Catechism of the Orthodox Eastern Greek-Russian Church". 

In 1821, St. Philaret took over the Moscow cathedra. He always helped the clergy and laity, and with fervent faith defended interests of the Russian Church.

The collection of the Museum of the Moscow Theological Academy contains some portraits of St. Philaret and his personal belongings.

On December 1, Archimandrite Platon (Igumnov) led the All-night vigil at the Intercession Academic Church.

Before reading the Kathisma, Mikhail Kondratyev, a 4th year undergraduate student, delivered a sermon:

Undoubtedly, God will never leave us, because He is omnipresent. According to the prophet David, He is everywhere even in hell. However, we often ask: “Where is God? Where is His concern about our numerous troubles and misfortune?” The answer is very simple. We reject His help with our own will. We show that we do not need Him when we do bad things, don’t bring our repentance, don’t come to the church and don’t try to change for the better. In spite of our sinful life, God keeps on knocking at the door of our hearts, standing and waiting for us to let Him into our lives. However, we often push His helping hand away and don’t want to open the doors. Then, we ask: "Where is He?" He is very close».

On December 2, Bishop Theodorite celebrated the Divine Liturgy.

At the antiphons, Bishop Theodorit tonsured 3rd year undergraduate students Ilya Filatov, Georgy Son, Mikhail Merzlyakov, Andrey Kisilyuk as Readers, and elevated Reader Alexander Kreidich, 2nd year Master’s student, to a rank of Subdeacon.

After reading the Holy Gospel, Bishop Theodorite addressed an assembly with an archpastoral word.

During the Divine Liturgy, Bishop Theodorite elevated Deacon Sergei Rastrepin, a 2nd year student of the Nikolo-Ugresh Theological Seminary, into a presbyter and Subdeacon Alexander Kreidich into a deacon.

After singing the sacrament verse, Hegumen Melety (Sokolov) delivered a sermon:

We have to fast with the Church. This is an indispensable condition for developing any virtues and spiritual foundations as well as forming a spiritual core, which enables us to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Fasting is a conscious abstinence from various benefits, which are more than just food. We have to acquire virtues that constitute that spiritual core and are opposite to passions operating in a person».

After the dismissal, Bishop Theodorite and the academic clergy sang a glorification with a prayer to St. Philaret, Metropolitan of Moscow.

At the end of the Divine service, Bishop Theodorite congratulated the newly ordained Priest Sergius Rastrepin and Deacon Alexander Kreidich. 

In addition, the Rector awarded Deacon Alexander Kreidich with an academic diploma with merit.

Background information:

Chanting performed by a male choir under the conduct of Hieromonk Nestor (Volkov) and a mixed choir led by Ksenya Alekseeva.

MThA Press Office

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