Moscow region, Sergiev Posad, Lavra, Academy

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The Academy hosted the Days of St. Alexander of Neva

On May 25, 2021, a website presentation took place at the Great Hall of the Moscow Theological Academy. The online resource, который объединил весь массив информации о благоверном князе Александре Невском, его эпохе и наследии. Сайт был создан коллективом историков, искусствоведов, богословов и краеведов специально к 800-летию со дня рождения Александра Невского, в рамках одноименного проекта Московской духовной академии при поддержке Фонда президентских грантов. Часть контента, которым наполняется сайт, создается на средства гранта Фонда поддержки гуманитарных и просветительских инициатив «Соработничество».

While preserving the historical content, its developers tried to present information in a clear language that is relevant for young people. Taking into account the latest technologies, materials were given various formats such as texts, infographics, audio podcasts, games, interactive tests, an online museum and interactive maps. 

The Bishop of Zvenigorod Theodorite, Rector of the Moscow Theological Academy, greeted developers and all the participants of the event. 

Priest Anatoly Kolot, Chief executive of the project, and Anna Borisova, an editor of the site, showed the structure of the website and introduced a team of authors.

В конце презентации владыка Феодорит вручил награды всем участникам проекта.

At the end of the presentation, Bishop Theodorite awarded R.A. Sokolov, Director of History and Social Sciences Institute of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen with the MThA medal of St. Philaret of Moscow, 1st degree, Priest Anatoly Kolot and A.E. Tarasov, Associate Professor at the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosova with the MThA medal of St. Philaret of Moscow, 2nd degree. Anna Borisova, an editor, and Alexei Pishchulin, a text author, were awarded the MThA medals "For Work and Merit". 

Other members of the project got diplomas of the Moscow Theological Academy.

At the end of the presentation, everyone could put their questions concerning not both the website and the personality of St. Alexander of Neva.

Also, on May 25 and 26, students from 17 universities of Moscow and the Moscow region were able to attend open lectures dedicated to St. Alexander of Neva. Main speakers were R. A. Sokolov, Dr. in History, Director of History and Social Sciences Institute at the University named after A.I. Herzen; A.E. Tarasov, Dr. in Historical Sciences; Associate Professor of the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov and Zh. G. Belik, PhD in art history, Head of the Examination Department of the Andrei Rublev’s Museum.

Guests of the Academy also could go on excursions to the academic museum “Church and Archeological Cabinet” and the Holy Trinity – St. Sergius’s Lavra.

The authors of the project hope that the results of their work will preserve a heroic image of St. Alexander of Neva and contribute to the patriotic education of a younger generation despite their nationality or religious beliefs.

MThA Press Office

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