Students of the Academy visited the Armenian Apostolic Church in Moscow
On February 20, the Cabinet of Oriental Studies of the Moscow Theological Academy organised an excursion to the Transfiguration Cathedral of the Armenian Apostolic Church. Students of the HSE School of Oriental Studies and the Department of Oriental Languages and History at the PSTHU also took part in a tour round the Armenian Museum of Moscow and an exhibition dedicated to the Ethiopian Church.

The students got acquainted with architectural features of the Armenian church, its history and some aspects of the liturgical practice. At the Tapan Museum they saw some exhibits from the private collection of A.Yu. Sitnikov presenting the Christian life in Abyssinia.

It allowed students to discover the world of Christian Africa, got acquainted with the historical, doctrinal, liturgical and cultural features of Ethiopian Christianity.

The tour ended with a tea party, where students from different educational institutions had a chance to get to know each other, discuss further educational and social contacts.

The MTA students thanked hosts for their hospitality and a fascinating excursion revealing the culture, history and theology of the ancient Eastern Churches.
MThA Press Office