Moscow region, Sergiev Posad, Lavra, Academy

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Rector of the Academy officed Sunday services

On September 19 and 20, Bishop Theodorite of Zvenigorod, the MThA Rector, accompanied with the clergy of an academic church officed a festive evening service and the Divine Liturgy.

The passage from the Matthew’s Gospel read at the service makes us witness a dialogue between Our Savior and a Jewish lawyer about two basic commandments which are love to God and love to your neighbor.

Then one of them, a lawyer, asked Him a question, testing Him, and saying, «Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?» Jesus said to him, «»You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.́ This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: «You shall love your neighbor as yourself.́ On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.»

Христос напоминает всем верующим, на каких заповедях утверждается весь закон и пророки. Ведь именно любовь приводит человека к Богу и наследованию Небесного Царства.

After reading the Holy Gospel, Bishop Theodorite addressed an assembly with a sermon. He said that the commandment of love is the foundation of Christian religion. Despite they seem quite difficult to fulfill, they became a prerequisite for inheriting an eternal life. Bishop Theodorite focused out that everyone has an ability to love. Therefore, you need to get rid of your passions in order to get the pure love hidden in the depth of your heart.

Chanting performed by two academic choirs under the conduct of Ksenia Alekseeva and hieromonk Nestor (Volkov).

MThA Press Office

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