Moscow region, Sergiev Posad, Lavra, Academy

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“All the ends of the earth rejoice today, singing in honor of the Archangels”. The Academy solemnly celebrated the feast of the Heavenly Powers

The Lord arranged our world to be surprisingly hierarchical and harmonious. Unfortunately, people forgot that the hierarchy built by God makes the basis of the world. It does not mean only strict subordination of the strong over the weak or the higher above the lower, but the sacrificial love. This idea is absolutely incomprehensible to ordinary human consciousness.

If anyone desires to be first, he shall be last of all and servant of all (Mark 9: 35), said Christ reminding those immutable principles of divine hierarchy. God does establish the hierarchy through sacrificial love and selfless service to others setting the first example. Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many (Mat.20:28).

Today the Church honors celestial hierarchy of angels. Holy Scripture reveals some amazing secrets of their service. For example, God taught people the Law through angels (Gal. 3:19), an angel led God-chosen people (Ex. 14:19), in the Old Testament angels appear to righteous men and finally the angels announced the birth of the Savior (Luke 1:26). 

On November 20, in the evening, Archimandrite Platon (Igumnov) officiated an All-night Vigil to the Heavenly Powers at the Intercession Church co-served by the academic clergy.

Archimandrite Venedikt (Knyazev) performed the festive Lithia and the consecration of bread.

On November 21, Archimandrite Venedikt celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the Intercession Academic Church co-served by the academic clergy.

At the special litany, petitions were lifted up for the Fatherland and the Russian army. After that, a prayer for Holy Rus' was read.

After the sacrament verse, Vitaly Seredenin, a fourth-year undergraduate student, delivered a sermon:

Christ and His deed is the center of our faith. If we want to have an eternal life, then we should not only recognize the Christian teaching as true, but hold on to it with all our heart and strive to be with Christ as He is the mystery of our salvation.

After the dismissal, the clergy sang the glorification in front of the icon of the Heavenly Powers.

Background information:

Clergy served at the All-Night Vigil: Archimandrite Platon (Igumnov), Archimandrite Hilarion (Farkovets), Archimandrite Luka (Golovkov), Archimandrite Simeon (Tomachinsky), Archpriest Sergei Zhirov, Hieromonk Varnava (Losev), Archpriest Sergei Zabelich, Hieromonks Theodore (Yulaev), Damian (Voronov), John (Merzlyakov), Georgy (Pimenov), Athanasius (Italo), Deacon Nikolai Goyuk, Hierodeacon Job (Urum).

Clergy served at the Divine Liturgy: Archimandrite Venedikt (Knyazev), Archimandrite Platon (Igumnov), Archimandrite Hilarion (Farkovets), Archimandrite Luka (Golovkov), Archimandrite Simeon (Tomachinsky), Archpriest Sergei Zhirov, Hieromonk Varnava (Losev), Archpriest Sergei Zabelich, Hieromonks Theodore (Yulaev), Damian ( Voronov), John (Merzlyakov), Georgy (Pimenov), Athanasius (Italo), Deacon Nikolai Goyuk.

Chanting performed by choirs under the conduct of E. V. Borovinsky and S. P. Borovinskaya.

MThA Press Office

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