Moscow region, Sergiev Posad, Lavra, Academy

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The MThA took part in a conference at the St. Petersburg Theological Academy

On September 29 and 30, teachers of the Moscow Theological Academy took part at the XIII International Scientific Theological Conference "Topical Issues of Contemporary Theology and Church Science" held at the St. Petersburg Theological Academy.

At the conference, there were the following reports made by:

Archpriest Alexander Zadornov, PhD in Theology, Associate Professor, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Theological Work, Head of the Church Practical Disciplines Department at the Moscow Theological Academy, on “The term "church divorce" in modern canon law”;

иеромонах Филофей (Артюшин), доктор богословия (PhD), доцент кафедр библеистики и филологии МДА. Ибо видели очи мои спасение Твое… (Лк. 2:30): исторические предпосылки и богословские нюансы презентации сцены Распятия Христа в Евангелии от Луки;

Rupova Rozaliya Moiseevna, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor at the Moscow Theological Academy on “Anthropic principle: a biblical view”;

диакон Сергий Кожухов, кандидат богословия, доцент кафедры библеистики МДА. Авторитет свт. Амвросия Медиоланского в актах Халкидонского Собора;

Priest Stephan Domuschy, PhD in Theology, Assistant Professor at the Moscow Theological Academy on “Moral aspects of the state of ignorance and its connection with responsibility”;

Deacon Sergiy Panteleev, PhD in Theology, Associate Professor of the Philology Department at the Moscow Theological Academy, on “Problems of translating the Christian written monuments into Armenian in the 5th century”.

The conference took part in a blended format. Its materials will be published in the journal "Actual Issues of Church Science" posted in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI).

The SpbThA Press Office/MThA Press Office