“Today all the Heavenly Powers invisibly serve us” - the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts were held at the Academy
On the third day of Lent, March 4, the иishop of Zvenigorod Pitirim performed the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts in the academic church of the Intercession of Theotokos.
According to the ancient monastic tradition, the Orthodox Christians asked each other for forgiveness before the fasting. From their monastery ancient ascetics went into the desert and for each monk, such Lent could be the last. In the desert they suffered from thirst, heat, hunger or wild animals.
Nowadays, we do not go into the real desert but we go to the desert of our own souls.
It is impossible for a man to overcome his sin on his own or change his nature. Only Christ can do this. Believers unite with the Lord in the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist at the Divine Liturgy as He being the Doctor heals our spiritual ailments and transforms our souls.
During Lent, believers are especially encouraged to repent and scrutinize deeply their lives. Therefore, on Lent weekdays, the charter does not allow to serve the Divine Liturgy. But how can the faithful live without True Bread if they do not eat It? They do not connect with the One who can help and heal.
In this regard the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts is held on weekdays and the Holy Gifts are prepared at the Sunday Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom to make the Communion possible.
The chant “Now the Heaven Powers invisibly serve us” is usually sang during the transfer of the Body and Blood of Christ from the credence table to the throne.
“Now the Heavenly Powers are invisibly serving with us, for here comes the King of Glory, here’s the mysterious and perfect Sacrifice accompanied by them.
Proceed with faith and love to become partakers of eternal life. Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah!»
Christ who is True Bread and True Drink is present before His people. He is the only One who is able to help everyone who believes in Him and accepts His Body and Blood to overcome the abyss that opened after the Adam fall. Having stepped on the road of fasting, the Christians are not left without divine help as they can unite with the Lord in the Holy Eucharist.
The Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts were held by the bishop of Zvenigorod Pitirim together with the academic clergy in the academic church of the Intercession of Theotokos. It was preceded by Lenten Matins, clocks and typical psalms.
After the great entrance, the rector of the Moscow Theological Academy ordained a third-year student Gleb Shimko into a deacon.
On Wednesday evening the canon of St. Andrew of Crete was read by bishop Pitirim in the seminary church of St. John Climacus.
At the end of the сanon, the rector addressed the assembly with a sermon.
Background information:
Литургию Преждеосвященных Даров в Покровском академическом храме совершил епископ Звенигородский Питирим. Ему сослужили: архимандриты Венедикт (Князев), Платон (Игумнов), Иларион (Форкавец), Лука (Головков), игумены Никифор (Кирзин), Адриан (Пашин), Герасим (Дьячков), иеромонах Варнава (Лосев), игумен Мелетий (Соколов), протоиерей Сергий Забелич, иеромонахи Феодор (Юлаев), Василий (Мусса), иереи Павел Лизгунов, Стефан Домусчи, Димитрий Барицкий, Валерий Духанин, иеромонахи Вячеслав (Сорокин), Аполлинарий (Панин), Дометиан (Курланов), Дамиан (Воронов), иерей Владислав Дзюбинский, диакон Димитрий Маслов, иеродиакон Борис (Зелюченко), диакон Стефан Мартенюк, иеродиакон Иннокентий (Глазистов), диаконы Георгий Полуянов, Димитрий Лукаченков, Глеб Шимко.
На утреннем богослужении пели второй академический хор под управлением Дмитрия Михалёва и третий академический хор под управлением Серафима Мороза.
Вечернее богослужение в семинарском храме преподобного Иоанна Лествичника совершил епископ Звенигородский Питирим. Ему сослужил архимандрит Иларион (Форкавец).
На вечернем богослужении пели первый смешанный хор под управлением Ксении Тарелкиной, второй смешанный хор под управлением Софии Боровинской и однородный женский хор под управлением Ксении Алексеевой.