Information for 2021-applicants from the Moscow City Diocese
According to the procedure adopted in the Moscow City Diocese, an applicant for a theological school, who got his recommendation from a Moscow parish also have to receive a blessing of His Holiness the Patriarch.
The Patriarch’s decision will base on the opinion of the Examination Commission under the Diocesan Council of Moscow. Its meeting is scheduled at the end of June and chaired by the First Vicar.
During the meeting, they will interview both applicants and priests, who gave them recommendations.
In 2021, a deadline for sending applications (the list is attached) is June 17.
To take a test at the Examination Commission, send your applications to To get more detailed information about the procedure, consult with Alexander Viktorovich Dmitriev, an employee of the Moscow Patriarchate Administration, by phone +7 (915) 141 -33-56 (available at working hours).
The meeting of the Commission is on 25th of June 2021.
Please, get acquainted with a list of documents submitted to the Moscow City Diocese of the Moscow Patriarchate office
For theological schools applicants of undergraduate and Master’s programs both full-time and part-time studying
1. Petition addressed to His Holiness the Patriarch to submit documents to a theological school.
2. Petition have to be issued on the letterhead of the church with a seal The presence of the priest who recommended the applicant is compulsoryA letter of recommendation from a confessor or a dean is not required.
3. Recommendation have to be issued on the letterhead of the church with a seal. The presence of the priest who recommended the applicant is compulsory.
4. Autobiography.
5. Questionnaire.
6. Свидетельство о крещении – предоставляется копия
6. Copy of the Certificate of baptism (if lost, can be restored in the parish where the ordinance of baptism was performed or at the Canonical Commission).
7. Свидетельство о браке – копия (восстанавливается в МФЦ по месту жительства)
8. Свидетельство о венчании – копия
Если документ отсутствует, для его восстановления обращайтесь на приход, в котором было совершено таинство венчания, или в Каноническую комиссию.
9. Copies of educational documents..
Those who have not graduated from school / college / institute in the current academic year provide a document from the office of the educational institution about their studies.
10. Для клириков: Копия документа о рукоположении – копия
11. For clergy: a copy document of the appointment for the parish.
12. Certificate from the place of residence or an extract from a house book (taken at the local MFC)
13. A copy of passport.
14. A copy of military ID.
15. A cope of medical certificate No. 086.
16. Certificates from neuropsychiatric, dermatovenerologic, narcology, dermatology and venereology clinics.
17. Half-length photos of the BELT in color or b/w in 6x9 cm (4 pcs.).
The photographs provided by applicants in the priesthood must display all available liturgical awards.
18. Applicants to correspondence departments must be officially registered at the parish under a contract or have a work book.
19. Предоставить копию трудовой книжки с печатью или справки на бланке храма с печатью о вашем трудоустройстве на приходе.
20. Documents sent via email and post at a time.