Епископ Феодорит принял участие в Епархиальном собрании г. Москвы — Московская духовная академия
Moscow region, Sergiev Posad, Lavra, Academy

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Bishop Theodorite took part in an Assembly of the Moscow Diocese

On December 24, 2020, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia chaired an annual Assembly of the Moscow Diocese. 

The Bishop of Zvenigorod Theodorite, Rector of the Moscow Theological Academy, attended the meeting, which was held online due to a difficult epidemiological situation this year.

В связи со сложной эпидемиологической обстановкой собрание в этом году проходило в формате видеоконференции.

“I would like to emphasize that due to an unusual time, we are holding our meeting today in an unusual format. Nothing like this has ever happened. Everyone knows very well that a change in a format and other changes that have been adopted in church life this year are results of a terrible pandemic and a very dangerous epidemiological situation in the capital city. As an evidence that the situation is really serious we can give a number of victims within the Church,” said the Patriarch in his welcoming speech. — отметил Предстоятель Русской Православной Церкви, открывая собрание.

Святейший Патриарх Кирилл представил повестку дня.

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill announced that Archpriest Leonid Roldugin, an elected member of the Moscow Diocese Court, asked to relieve him of this post for health reasons. According to the Regulations on the Church Court - Article 25, paragraph 5 - His Holiness Patriarch appointed Archpriest Alexander Dasaev as an interim judge until an election in a proper manner takes place.

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill proposed a procedure for voting on the forthcoming election and summing up the voting results for vicariates: 

“Starting from today we can receive feedback only from a part of the Moscow clergy. However, an election of a church judge is vital and necessary. I propose a following procedure. Until the end of January, all vicars should remotely hold meetings in their vicariates in order to either confirm Archpriest Alexander Dasaev’s candidacy or nominate other ones. The results will be considered and approved later. In a case of discrepancy, I will ask the Diocese Council to submit proposals for a second ballot”..

Далее Святейший Патриарх Кирилл обратился к собравшимся с ежегодным докладом.

Then His Holiness Patriarch Kirill gave an annual report. The speech started with commemorating a memory of all priests in Moscow and inhabitants of the stauropegial monasteries, who have passed away since the last Diocese meeting.

По окончании доклада Святейший Патриарх Московский и всея Руси Кирилл ответил на вопросы участников собрания.

At the end of the meeting, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill answered questions and participants adopted a final Resolution. Постановление.

Press service of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia/MThA Press Office