Moscow region, Sergiev Posad, Lavra, Academy

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Associate Professor of the Moscow Theological Academy made a presentation at the Kuzbass Theological Seminary

On February 11, the Kuzbass Orthodox Theological Seminary hosted the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Christian Testimony of Faith: Aspects of Historical Memory”. 

Deacon Sergiy Kozhukhov, Associate Professor of the Biblical Studies Department and the Theology Department of the Moscow Theological Academy, made a presentation on "The Religious Policy of the Emperors Marcian, Leo I, Basiliscus and Zeno and the Controversy on the Council of Chalcedon". 

The Council of Chalcedon ended on October 31, 451. Immediately after its completion, theological disputes aroused among its followers and opponents. The emperors Marcian (451-457) and Leo I (457-474) firmly adhered to the Council of Chalcedon and did not allow to revise its decrees. The following emperors, Zeno (Nov. 474 - Jan. 475 and 476-491) and Basiliscus (Jan. 475 - Aug. 476), on the contrary, pursued an anti-Chalcedonian approach. In the report, the author examined emperors’ decisions on church issues, their decrees and dogmatic definitions of the Council of Chalcedon in the theological context.

The MThA Press Office/Kuzbass Seminary