Moscow region, Sergiev Posad, Lavra, Academy

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“Today, a joyful spring shines to the universe”. The Academy celebrated the Entrance of the Mother of God to the Jerusalem Temple

Before the birth of Christ people lived in expectation of change and transformation of their lives. Moral and ideological attitudes of the time were exhausted and turned out to be lifeless. After the incarnation of the Savior, a man had an opportunity to his spiritually transformation.

The salvation began with Virgin Mary’s step. The future Mother of God was brought into the Holy of Holies of the Jerusalem Temple. This event can be called a step of the Old Testament towards the New one with salvation and resurrection.

On December 3, Archimandrite Platon (Igumnov) officed an All-night Vigil at the Intercession Academic Church conserved by the academic clergy.

Archimandrite Venedikt (Knyazev) performed the festive lithia and the consecration of bread.

Before the Kathisma, Sergey Derunets, a fourth-year undergraduate student, delivered a sermon, in which he interpreted of the Gospel parable of a foolish rich man:

This holiday summons us to develop what is given to each of us. We should try to purify our souls and reach the communion with God to bring others the joy given by God’s Grace.

On December 4, Archimandrite Venedikt (Knyazev) celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the Intercession Academic Church.

At the special prayer petitions about the Fatherland and the Russian army were lifted up. After the litany, a prayer for Holy Rus' was read. 

After the Sacrament verse, Nikita Zhilin, a fourth-year undergraduate student, delivered a sermon. He talked about the Christian parenting. Modern parents do no fully trust God in raising their children. They would better follow the example of righteous Joachim and Anna, who loved their daughter and trusted God.

After the prayer behind the ambo, the clergy sang the glorification in front of the icon of the Mother of God.

Background information:

Clergy served at the all-night vigil: Archimandrite Platon co-served by Archimandrites Hilarion (Farkovets), Luka (Golovkov), hegumens Adrian (Pashin), Lazar (Gnativ), Philip (Zhilyakov), Gerasim (Dyachkov), Cyprian (Yashchenko), hieromonks Barnabas (Losev ), Theodore (Yulaev), Priest Valery Dukhanin, Hieromonks Filofey (Artyushin), Mikhey (Kopytov), ​​Georgy (Pimenov), Priest Vadim Zhilkov, Deacons Dimitri Maslov, Nikolai Goyuk.

Clergy served at the Divine Liturgy: Archimandrite Venedikt co-served by Archimandrites Platon (Igumnov), Hilarion (Farkovets), Luka (Golovkov), Abbots Adrian (Pashin), Philip (Zhilyakov), Gerasim (Dyachkov), Hieromonks Barnabas (Losev), Feodor (Yulaev), Archpriest Sergiy Zabelich, Priests Dimitry Baritsky , Valery Dukhanin, Hieromonks Filofey (Artyushin), Mikhey (Kopytov), ​​Georgy (Pimenov), Priest Vadim Zhilkov, Deacons Dimitri Maslov and Nikolai Goyuk.

Chanting performed by the first academic choir under the conduct of E.V. Borovinsky and the third mixed choir led by K. A. Bukurova.

MThA Press Office

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