On March 28, the X Moscow Festival of Sunday School Choirs took place at the Zaryadie Concert Hall. The "Annunciation" choir led by A.S. Streltsova, Teacher of the MThA Chorister’s Faculty, became a laureate.
15 января 2021 года свой 55-летний юбилей со дня рождения отмечает декан факультета церковно-певческого искусства игумен Лазарь (Гнатив). Ректор, преподаватели, сотрудники и студенты Академии поздравляют отца Лазаря с днем рождения.
On January 12, the Rector Bishop of Zvenigorod Theodorite attended a small Christmas concert organized by students of the Chorister’s department of the Moscow Theological Academy.
10 декабря у студентов 1 курса пастырско-богословского факультета и 3 курса регентского факультета прошли творческие занятия. Они приурочены к 180-летию П.И. Чайковского.
On November 5, the Bishop of Zvenigorod Theodorite, Rector of the Moscow Theological Academy, chaired a teachers’ meeting at the Chorister’s faculty, which took place both in face-to-face and distance formats.
On October 26 and 29 third-year Chorister’s students and first-year students of the MThA pastoral-theological faculty commemorated deacon Sergey Trubachev’s memory and studied the composer's legacy.