Moscow region, Sergiev Posad, Lavra, Academy

Новости : Кафедра филологии

16 November 2020
18–19 ноября 2020 г. в Московской духовной академии состоится III Международная научно-богословская конференция «Таинство слова и образа».
15 November 2020
Епископ Феодорит вручил орден святителя Макария Б.А. Нелюбову в день 90-летия заслуженного профессора.
15 November 2020
15 ноября 2020 года свой 90-летний юбилей со дня рождения отмечает заслуженный профессор МДА Борис Александрович Нелюбов. Ректор, преподаватели, сотрудники и студенты Академии поздравляют с днем рождения.
17 October 2020
On October 16, the Moscow Theological Academy hosted sectional meetings of the All-Russian Intercession Scientific and Theological Conference.
12 October 2020
On October 12, the MThA Department of Philology held its regular online meeting, which was attended by the Bishop of Zvenigorod Theodorite, Rector of the Moscow Theological Acaademy.
5 October 2020
On October 5, the Tambov Theological Seminary hosted a session of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference "Orthodox View of the Modern World: Problems and Prospects". The conference was attended by teachers of the Moscow Theological Academy.
1 October 2020
On September 30, during a remote meeting of the MThA Dissertation Council No. 2 two scientific works were defended.
30 September 2020
On September 29 and 30, the Elizabethan Hall of the Moscow Theological Academy hosted a seminar for the community of classical languages teachers. The participants discussed some issues of teaching classical languages ​​in theological educational institutions.
17 September 2020
The publishing house of the Sretensky Monastery has released a new book by Archimandrite Simeon (Tomachinsky) Associate Professor of the Department of Philology at the Moscow Theological Academy.
17 September 2020
On September 17, Hegumen Dionisy (Shlenov), Director of the MThA Library made a presentation at a fraternal meeting of the Korolev Deanery clergy of the Moscow Diocese.
14 September 2020
On September 14, the Moscow Theological Academy hosted regular meetings of the Dissertation Council No. 1 which unites the departments of Biblical Studies, Theology and Philology of ancient languages. The meetings were held both in face-to-face and distant formats.
31 August 2020
Доцент кафедры филологии Московской духовной академии архимандрит Симеон (Томачинский) выпустил хрестоматию по гомилетике.