Moscow region, Sergiev Posad, Lavra, Academy

Новости : Факультет иконописи и церковного искусства

3 July 2021
On July 1 and 2, applicants of the MThA Icon Painting Faculty sit their entrance exams.
3 July 2021
On July 1 and 2, applicants of the MThA Icon Painting Faculty sit their entrance exams.
5 June 2021
5 июня свое 70-летие отмечает преподаватель иконописного факультета Владимир Анатольевич Ермилов. Ректор, преподаватели, сотрудники и студенты Академии поздравляют его с днем рождения.
6 May 2021
On May 5, Archimandrite Luka (Golovkov), Dean of an Icon-painting department of the Moscow Theological Academy, performed the Divine Liturgy at the Descent of the Spirit Church of the Holy Trinity-St. Sergius’ Lavra, which was attended by students and graduates of an icon-painting faculty.
11 March 2021
On March 11, a meeting of the Academic Council of the Moscow Theological Academy took place in offline and online formats.
2 March 2021
11 марта 2021 года на заседании Ученого совета состоятся выборы заведующего кафедрой библеистики.
17 February 2021
On February 16, teachers and students of the Icon-painting faculty of the Moscow Theological Academy officed a funeral service on a day of nun Juliania’s repose.
30 December 2020
On December 29, 2020, His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill chaired a meeting of the Russian Orthodox Church Holy Synod, which was held in a distance format.
29 December 2020
On December 29, the MThA Academic Council gathered in an auditorium №310 for its end of the year meeting.
21 November 2020
21 ноября 2020 года свой 60-летний юбилей со дня рождения отмечает преподаватель иконописного факультета, сотрудник библиотеки МДА игумен Филипп (Жиляков). Ректор, преподаватели, сотрудники и студенты Академии поздравляют с днем рождения.
1 November 2020
On a day when the Church honours holy Apostle and Evangelist Luke, Archimandrite Luka (Golovkov), Dean of the Icon-painting faculty at the Moscow Theological Academy, celebrates his name-day and the 30th anniversary of the monastic tonsure.
30 October 2020
On October 30, 2020, Lyudmila Alekseevna Armeeva, PhD in Art History, Teacher of the MThA icon-painting faculty celebrates her anniversary. The Rector, teachers, museum staff and students extend their best wishes and sincere congratulations.