Издательство — Московская духовная академия
Moscow region, Sergiev Posad, Lavra, Academy

Publishing Department

Academic Journals


Contact us

Priority directions of the Publishing House include: the publishing of academic works, books in the field of theology and humanities for the wider public.

The publishing house also publishes popular Christian literature, children's books and sheet music.

We invite authors to cooperate with us. If you have any developments or ideas of your own book - write us about it. Maybe you already have ready-made material. Regardless of the degree of readiness, we will help you to complete the work, edit, print and distribute it. Perhaps there are books that need to be re-published in an amended or modified form.

Books can be both academic and popular. Fiction is also acceptable. The MThA Publishing House will work in the following areas of publishing activities:


  • monographs
  • collections of articles, essays.
  • textbooks
  • translations of patristic works

Popular literature

  • homilies
  • literature in translation
  • fiction
  • Christian way of life
  • The lives of people associated with the MThA (famous teachers or graduates)
  • popular theology (non-academic books explaining the meaning of theological disciplines to a wide audience, without a apparatus and complex terminology)
  • children's Christian books
  • sheet music