18 March 2025
New Issue of "Questions of Theology" Released
The Publishing House of the Moscow Theological Academy has released the 2nd issue of the journal of the Theology Department of MThA, "Questions of Theology" (Voprosy Bogoslovia) for 2024, the 12th in the overall series.
This issue continues the tradition of publishing relevant research in theology, Church history, and comparative religious studies.
Main Articles in the Issue:
- Mikhail Vsevolodovich Kovshov, in his article "A 'New Look at Paul' in the Works of Martin de Boer, Michael Wolter, and John M.G. Barclay," examines contemporary approaches to interpreting the epistles of the Apostle Paul in the context of critical biblical studies.
- Priest Mikhail Konstantinovich Eremin, in his work "The Ministry of the Apostles in the Context of the Teaching on the Judgment of God According to the First Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Corinthians (1 Cor. 4:1–5): Exegetical Approaches," analyzes various exegetical approaches to understanding the Judgment of God in the epistles of the Apostle Paul.
- Vladimir Zhanovich Amirkhanyan, in his article "Mysterium in the Theology of Continental Reformers," explores the understanding of the term mysterium in the works of Reformation leaders such as Martin Luther, Ulrich Zwingli, and John Calvin.
- Grigory Rodionov, in his article "Theological Evaluation of Stephen Hawking's Cosmological Concept," offers a theological analysis of the famous physicist's ideas regarding the origin and structure of the universe.
- Deacon Sergey Konoval, in his work "The Teaching on Mental Activity of Venerable Silouan the Athonite and Archimandrite Sophrony (Sakharov)," examines the practice of the Jesus Prayer in the works of these two outstanding ascetics of the 20th century.
- Mikhail Vsevolodovich Kovshov presents a review of the book Did St. Paul Get Jesus Right? The Gospel According to Paul by David Wenham, which analyzes how accurately the Apostle Paul conveyed the teachings of Jesus Christ.
The new issue of "Questions of Theology" will be of interest not only to specialists in theology and religious studies but also to anyone interested in questions of faith, science, and church history.
MThA Press Office