Moscow region, Sergiev Posad, Lavra, Academy

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“We sing praises to You, O Virgin Mother of God, as the Cross of Your Son destroyed the hell”: The Academy prayerfully celebrated the Annunciation and the Veneration of the Cross

Today, on the third Sunday of the Great Lent, the Veneration of the Cross this year coincided with the feast of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos.

The Good News, which Archangel Gabriel proclaimed to the Blessed Virgin, contains a hidden secret of the human salvation, a mystery that will be revealed to the world through the Cross and the Sacrificing of God.

Both angels and people could not have imagined that the Creator of the heaven and earth would become incarnated, endured pain, crucified, died as a man and raised from the dead in order to save the human being. 

However, the history of our salvation began long before the Cross. It began with the humble response of the Most Pure Virgin, «Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word» (Luke.1:38). At the Annunciation the power of the Cross of the Lord was confirmed. The deepest humility of the Mother of God became the foundation for the salvation of the human race. With her answer to the archangel, the Mother of God gave the world an opportunity to see the Light of Christ's Resurrection. 

On April 7, Archimandrite Venedict (Knyazev) the Divine Liturgy at the Intercession Academic Church co-served by the academic clergy. 

Before the Communion, Vladimir Zaitsev, a second-year Master’s student, delivered a sermon.

After the Liturgy, the clergy sang glorification to the Lord and His Most Pure Mother in front of the festive icon and the Cross put in the center of the church.

On April 6, Archimandrite Venedict officiated an all-night vigil.

At the end of Vespers, teachers and students in the priesthood performed a festive litany and offered a prayer to the Lord for the consecration of bread.

Before the Kathisma, Daniil Yakushev, a fourth-year undergraduate student, delivered a sermon. 

At the Matins, the clergy carried out the Cross of the Lord singing of the Trisagion at the Great Doxology and installed it in the center of the church. The following week the Cross will be put in the center for its veneration by the Christians.

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Chanting performed by the second academic choir under the conduct of A.O. Leventsova and the first mixed choir led by S.P. Borovinskaya. 

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