Moscow region, Sergiev Posad, Lavra, Academy

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Teachers and students of the Icon-painting faculty commemorated the 40th anniversary of nun Juliania’s repose

Nun Juliania is an icon painter, a restorer and a founder an icon-painting class at the Moscow Theological Academy that gradually developed into the Icon-painting faculty. Nun Juliania passed away on February 16, 1981 and buried on a Semkhoz village cemetery. This year marks the 40th anniversary of her repose.

Archimandrite Luke (Golovkov), Dean of the Icon-painting faculty, teachers and students gathered to honour the memory of Nun Juliania and pray for her repose at the Intercession academic Church.

Chanting at the funeral service performed by a student choir of the icon-painting faculty.

Накануне памятной даты отец Лука и студенты иконописного факультета Московской духовной академии отправились на могилу монахини Иулиании, где также помолились об упокоении матушки за панихидой.

MThA Press Office