Moscow region, Sergiev Posad, Lavra, Academy

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The Moscow Theological Academy hosted the All-Russian Conference "Church History: Fact and Thought"

On May 5, the annual All-Russian Scientific Conference "Church History: Fact and Thought" organised by the Church History Department took place at the Moscow Theological Academy.

The conference brought together scientists and researchers from leading theological institutions, state universities, museums, diocesan structures, monasteries, school teachers and independent researchers.

In 2022, the conference “Church History: Fact and Thought” dedicated to the 600th anniversary of St. Sergius’ of Radonezh relics discovery and the foundation of the Trinity Cathedral of the Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra. It consisted of a plenary part and seven thematic sections. The conference took place in a blended format.

The Bishop of Zvenigorod Theodorite, Rector of the Moscow Theological Academy, opened a plenary session with his welcoming speech. 

The era of St. Sergius is very similar to our times. We witness how human passions lead to dramatic consequences. That is why it is necessary to turn to the heritage of Russian holiness. St. Sergius, by no means, occupies a special place here. A humble man who did not leave any written works but had a tremendous influence on raging passions. Oral tradition has preserved the principle that guided the Reverend in dealing with conflicting brethren. He saw the way to overcome social disasters through unity in love. He dedicated his monastery to the Most Holy Trinity. According to him, even a glance at Its image conquers the hated strife of this world.

Associate Professor Mikhail Viktorovich Pervushin opened a plenary session with his report on “The Image of St. Sergius in the “Praise” of Epiphanius the Wise”.

The following reports were by Andrey Petrovich Bogdanov, a leading researcher at the Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Oleg Germanovich Ulyanov, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and others. The plenary session ended with a joint report of Priest Vladimir Aleshkov, Associate Professor of the Nikolo-Ugresh Theological Seminary, and Alexandra Vladimirovna Alyoshkova, a researcher at the Solovetsky State Historical, Architectural and Natural Museum-Reserve, on “The Veneration of St. Sergius of Radonezh in the Solovetsk Monastery”.

После обеденного перерыва работа конференции продолжилась в рамках семи тематических секций.

В рамках первой секции «Троице-Сергиева лавра в истории Церкви» были представлены исследования, проблематика которых касается истории русского монашества, Троице-Сергиевой лавры, практики почитания преподобного Сергия и церковных событий, каким-либо образом связанных с Лаврой преподобного Сергия.

After the break, there were seven thematic sections. The first section “Trinity-Sergius Lavra in the History of the Church” dedicated to the history of Russian monasticism, the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, the veneration of St. Sergius and the role of the Lavra. The second section "The Moscow Theological Academy in the History of Theological Education" concerned some aspect of theological education and the history of the Moscow Theological Academy. The third section "Problems of studying the history of Christianity" devoted to a general church problematics. The fourth and fifth sections consisted of reports on the Russian Orthodox Church History in the XX century. The sixth section "Church-Public Thought in Russia and Abroad" discussed religious journalism and religious-philosophical societies. The seventh section "Serving the Church for the Benefit of Society" brought together researchers of church missionary and building.

All materials will be published in the MThA scientific journal "Church Historian".

MThA Press Office

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