New season of the "Faces of the Academy" series
The film studio of the Moscow Theological Academy “Bogoslov” has started filming the second season of the “Faces of the Academy” series for a website Bogoslov.Ru

The project "Faces of the Academy" is a series of video interviews aimed to popularize the theological scientific potential of the Moscow Theological Academy. It gets viewers acquainted with the staff of the biggest higher educational institution of the Russian Orthodox Church. In each episode, they will tell about life at the Moscow Theological Academy, the Russian Church and their personal life experience. The materials will be of a great interest for teachers and students of theological universities and departments, as well as to a wide range of people.

The first season shot in 2012-2015 presented such outstanding characters of theological science and education in Russia as Professor Konstantin Efimovich Skurat, Alexei Ivanovich Sidorov, Nikolai Konstantinovich Gavryushin, Hegumen Andronik (Trubachev). All of them have passed away in few recent years, so the filming now makes a unique historical and educational material, which is available on the official channel of a film studio.

In this season there will be the Bishop of Zvenigorod Theodorite, Rector of the Moscow Theological Academy; Archpriest Alexander Zadornov, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Theological Work, Head of the Department of Church and Practical Disciplines, Hegumen Lazar (Gnativ), Dean of the Church Singing Art Faculty, Hegumen Dionysius (Shlenov), Head of Postgraduate Studies, Archpriest Pavel Velikanov, Associate Professor of the Theology Department, Anatoly Alekseevich Matveev, Associate Professor of the Philology Department etc.

Overall, the new season will include more than 20 programs. The premiere is scheduled for September 2022.

The project is being implemented with a grant support of the International Grant Competition "Orthodox Initiative - 2022".
The MThA Press Office/ Bogoslov.ru