Two PhD thesis were defended at the Moscow Theological Academy
On December 18, 2023, the Candidate Dissertation Council No. 1 of the Moscow Theological Academy, which joins the departments of Biblical Studies, Theology and Philology (ancient languages) assessed two PhD thesis.

Archpriest Vladislav Tsypin, Dr. of Church History, Honored Professor of the Moscow Theological Academy, chaired the Dissertation Council.

Deacon Andrey Vikulov presented his dissertation on the “Sorrows and persecutions as the path of Christ’s disciple in the light of the Theology of the Gospel of John”
The work was carried out under the scientific supervision of Hieromonk Philofey (Artyushin), Dr. of Theology, Associate Professor at the Department of Biblical Studies of the Moscow Theological Academy.

The official opponents were Archimandrite Sergius (Akimov), Dr. of Theology, Professor atthe Department of Biblical Studies and Theology of the Minsk Theological Academy, Rector of the St. Nicholas Church in Merano (Italy), and Priest Alexy Sergeev, PhD in Theology, Associate Professor at the Biblical Studies Department of St. Petersburg Theological Academy.
The dissertation candidate successfully answered the comments of opponents and questions from members of the Dissertation Council. As a result, the council decided to petition His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Kirill to award Deacon Andrey Vikulov the degree of PhD in Theology.

Priest Andrei Kurlykin presented a dissertation on the “Orthodox missionary work in China in the XVIII - early XX century".
The work was carried out under the scientific guidance of Archpriest Alexander Zadornov, PhD in Theology, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Church-practical disciplines of the Moscow Theological Academy.

The official opponents were the Bishop of Bikin Panteleimon, Vicar of the Khabarovsk diocese, PhD in Theology, Rector of the Khabarovsk Theological Seminary, and Archpriest Alexy Kolcherin, Dr. of Church History, PhD of Theology, Associate Professor, Head of the department of General and Church History of the Kazan Theological Seminary.
The dissertation candidate successfully answered the comments of opponents and questions from members of the Dissertation Council. As a result, the Council decided to petition His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Kirill to award priest Andrei Kurlykin the degree of PhD in Theology.
The texts of dissertations and reviews can be found in Archive of defended dissertations..
MThA Press Office