Moscow region, Sergiev Posad, Lavra, Academy

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The forty-fourth issue of a students’ magazine “Vstrecha”

The publishing house of the Moscow Theological Academy has released the forty-fourth issue of a student magazine “Vstrecha” published since 1996.

The topic "Church and Power" contains articles by teachers and students devoted to both understanding the issues in relationships between the church and secular authorities, and questions of internal hierarchical structure.

The section opens with an article by A. Karpov, a 4th-year undergraduate student, “On the Question of the Motives for Emperor Constantine’s Conversion into Christianity”. It criticizes some historiographic interpretations suggesting the exclusively pragmatic nature of the Edict of Milan and leveling the aspect of the emperor’s conversion as a Christian.

The next article by V. Kuleshin, 4th year undergraduate student, “The role of Christianity in forming the Russian identity from P.A. Chaadaev’s point of view” gives some features of the historiosophical concept of an outstanding Russian philosopher of the first half of the 19th century, who painfully felt the crisis of faith in contemporary society.

The section is completed with an article by Professor Hegumen Dionisiy’s (Shlyonov) “The Primacy of the Bishop of Constantinople: the Canonical and Theological Aspect”, which examines the genesis of modern Phanariot ecclesiology and analyzes its anti-canonical activities in Ukraine.

The section “The Voice of Antiquity” dedicated to pre-revolutionary spiritual journalism. It presents F. Lebedintsev’s note “On the Origin and Significance of Some Orthodox Church Customs of celebrating Easter” originally published in 1860 in the “Guide for Rural Shepherds”. 

The section "Education" contains two articles by Priest Dmitry Artemkin "Synopsis that helps to think" and a short report by N.N. Petukhova "The Catholic Seminary in Strasbourg" telling about theological education in France.

The magazine concludes with a “Mockery in Words” section explaining difficult Church Slavonic words and expressions and a creative section.

The new issue of “Vstrecha” magazine is available in the online store of the Moscow Theological Academy publishing house Store e-mail:

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