Moscow region, Sergiev Posad, Lavra, Academy

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Presentation of a book “The Energy of Rest” by R.M. Rupova

The “Aletheia” publishing house has released a book “ The Energy of Rest” by R.M. Rupova, Professor of the Biblical Studies Department of the Moscow Theological Academy. 

The name comes from a modern Philosophy and Physics. The concept of energy has been a part of our culture since the Antiquity, mainly thanks to Aristotle’s doctrine. It was rethought in Christianity and later included in scientific and technical spheres. Nowadays, the concept of energy is actively used in modern studies about a man and society. However, the speed of our life is not at all "the energy of rest". On contrary, it resembles rapid flows, where information and energy storms threaten to flood our civilization. 

Having given the book such a name, the author through the poetic language tends to show the reader a boundless shining ocean of "Peaceful Energy" that is one of characteristics of the Divine life, which brings true peace, uncreated light, blessing and love.


Благословен отныне этот час,
Событья сведший в узел нашей встречи.
Любовь земная? Нет об этом речи,
Но Бог послал для восхожденья Вас.

Пусть цепь златая жгла меня не раз,
Теперь и на воде боясь обжечься,
Держу в упряжке пламенное сердце:
Какая силища таится в нас!

Я знаю: есть духовный, тонкий блуд —
Избави Бог от всякого нечестья!
Боюсь, меня неправильно поймут,

Все ж отдаю на Божье усмотренье,
Скорей всего, напрасный, жалкий труд.
Он — о любви, без коей нет спасенья.

The MThA Press Office/MThA Biblical Studies Department