The Academy hosted a students’ forum “Meeting”
On December 10, 2023, the student forum “Meeting” took place at the Moscow Theological Academy. On this day, the Academy was visited by students from the biggest Moscow universities such as the Moscow State University, MGIMO, VGIK, the Moscow State University, the Higher School of Economics, the Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman, MPEI, MEPhI, etc. Students of the Moscow Theological Academy accompanied guests and told them about the history of the theological school.

The forum was preceded by the Divine Liturgy at the Intercession Academic Church. Then they visited the Trinity Cathedral of the Lavra and venerated the relics of St. Sergius of Radonezh.

After lunch, breakout sessions began. Forum participants discussed issues related to science, theology, art, family life and educational work on social networks.
Bishop Kirill, Rector of the Moscow Theological Academy, greeted the guests. He noted that the main task of young people nowadays is to preserve and protect traditional Christian values. The Rector also thanked the guests for their active participation in the forum and wished them success in their educational activities.

Teachers and students of leading Moscow universities showed deep interest in implementing projects together with the Moscow Theological Academy.
At the end of the theme sections, the MThA choir group performed the chants of the Nativity of Christ.

The students’ forum “Meeting” ended with a friendly conversation between the organizers and participants, where contacts were exchanged and future prospects made.
Background information:
More detailed information can be found on the official resource of the student initiatives project “Meeting” (https://t.me/mda_vstrecha for TG, https://vk.com/wall-221623526_208 for VK).
In addition, you can ask a question about the Orthodox faith and the Church to our students in the chatbot (https://t.me/vstrecha_mda_bot).
MThA Press Office