Moscow region, Sergiev Posad, Lavra, Academy

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Defence of candidate dissertations

On September 14, the Moscow Theological Academy hosted regular meetings of the Dissertation Council No. 1. It unites the departments of Biblical Studies, Theology and Philology of ancient languages. The meetings, chaired by archpriest Vladislav Tsypin, Chairman of the Dissertation Council and an MThA Professor, were held both in face-to-face and interactive formats. At the first meeting, Abbot Vassian (Biragov) presented his thesis for a PhD degree in Theology on “Theological comprehension of Christian Easter in the II-V centuries”. Scientific advisers: Alexey Ivanovich Sidorov, Professor, Dr. of Church History; Associate Professor Hegumen Adrian (Pashin), PhD in Theology, PhD in Physics and Mathematics.

At the beginning, the applicant gave a brief description of his work. Then Michael Kovshov, Associate Professor and Dissertation Council scientific, read out responses from the Moscow Theological Academy and the leading organizations such as the Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Russian Federation Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MGIMO).

В начале заседания соискатель выступил с краткой характеристикой своей работы.

After that, a scientific supervisor Associate Professor hegumen Adrian (Pashin) gave his reference to the work. Then a word was given to official opponents D.V. Vorobiev, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences of Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University named after Kozma Minin (Minin University) and archpriest Darko Djogo, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Deputy Dean of the St. Basil’s Ostrog Orthodox Theological Faculty of the East Sarajevo University (Serbian Republika, Bosnia and Herzegovina).

После этого с характеристикой работы выступили ее научный руководитель доцент игумен Адриан (Пашин) и официальные оппоненты: Д.В. Воробьев, доктор философских наук, профессор кафедры философии и общественных наук Нижегородского государственного педагогического университета имени Козьмы Минина (Мининский университет); протоиерей Дарко Джого (Darko Djogo), Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), профессор, заместитель декана Православного богословского факультета имени святителя Василия Острожского Восточно-Сараевского Университета (Республика Сербская, Босния и Герцеговина).

The applicant responded to questions from his scientific adversaries. After a discussion and a secret ballot the Dissertation Council decided to petition His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia to award to award P.I. Murilkin with PhD degree in Theology.

По итогам тайного голосования члены Диссертационного совета признали игумена Вассиана (Бирагова) достойным степени кандидата богословия.

В результате обсуждения Совет принял решение ходатайствовать перед Святейшим Патриархом Московским и всея Руси Кириллом о присуждении игумену Вассиану (Бирагову) степени кандидата богословия.

The second meeting included the presentation of priest Nazariy Eyvazov’s thesis for PhD degree in Theology on "Teaching about Jesus Christ in the Koran: a theological analysis in the perspective of dialogue between Orthodox and Muslims."

В начале заседания соискатель выступил с краткой характеристикой своей работы.

Then Michael Kovshov, Associate Professor and Dissertation Council scientific, read out responses from the Moscow Theological Academy and the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IOM RAS).

After a scientific supervisor Associate Professor hegumen Adrian (Pashin) gave his reference to the work, a word was given to official opponents protodeacon Vladimir Vasilik, Doctor of Historical Sciences, PhD in Philology and Theology, Associate Professor of St. Petersburg State University and R.V. Ovcharenko, Ph.D. in Theology, Master of History, teacher of History and Social Studies at the Orthodox Gymnasium named after St. Sergius of Radonezh (Sergiev Posad).

The applicant responded to questions from his scientific adversaries. After a discussion and a secret ballot the Dissertation Council decided to petition His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia to award to award P.I. Murilkin with PhD degree in Theology.

По итогам тайного голосования члены Диссертационного совета признали иерея Назария Эйвазова достойным степени кандидата богословия.

В результате обсуждения Совет принял решение ходатайствовать перед Святейшим Патриархом Московским и всея Руси Кириллом о присуждении иерею Назарию Эйвазову степени кандидата богословия.

The presentation at the third meeting included P.I. Murilkin’s thesis for the PhD degree in Theology on "The problem of suffering in the patristic exegesis of the Book of Job (I-VIII centuries)."

В начале заседания соискатель выступил с краткой характеристикой своей работы.

After a brief description of his work Michael Kovshov, Associate Professor and Dissertation Council scientific, read out responses from the Moscow Theological Academy and P. Yu. Malkov, Head of Theological Department of the Orthodox St. Tikhon’s Humanitarion University.

After a scientific supervisor Associate Professor Pavel Dobrotsvetov his reference to the work, a word was given to official opponents archpriest Alexy Yastrebov, Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Church History, PhD in Historical Sciences, Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences and archpriest Dimitri Yurevich, PhD in Theology, Head of the Department of Biblical Studies of the St. Petersburg Theological Academy.

The applicant responded to questions from his scientific adversaries. After a discussion and a secret ballot the Dissertation Council decided to petition His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia to award to award P.I. Murilkin with PhD degree in Theology.

По итогам тайного голосования члены Диссертационного совета признали П.И. Мурилкина достойным степени кандидата богословия.

В результате обсуждения Совет принял решение ходатайствовать перед Святейшим Патриархом Московским и всея Руси Кириллом о присуждении П.И. Мурилкину степени кандидата богословия.

Meetings ended with a collective prayer.

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