Moscow region, Sergiev Posad, Lavra, Academy

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Students of the Moscow Theological Academy help elderly people to adjust to a modern information environment

On November 5 students of the Moscow Theological Academy started a series of meetings aimed for elderly people in Sergiev Posad. The first lesson of “Internet for beginners” programme took place in the Municipal Labor and Social Protection Department. Seminarians told about safety rules while using gadgets or an Internet access and showed the elderly how to use mobile applications.

I am in charge of a technical department of the MThA press office and I know this topic quite well. There is a great opportunity to help the elderly to learn how to make an online appointment to a doctor or how to use social networking sites to communicate with their relatives. Personally, I think that it is an appropriate way to show your care for them.”,

– делится студент третьего курса МДА Семён Лаптев.

The meeting was held within the framework of a governor’s project. The Moscow Theological Academy signed a partnership agreement on November 7th 2019. соглашение о сотрудничестве с которой Академия подписала 6 ноября 2019 года.

In its first month of a joint project students gave excursions round the Academy museum, took the elderly on 4 guided tours in Moscow region, hold a photo session and started a series of lectures on computer and Internet literacy. Overall at about 210 people took part in the activities.

I am really glad of such attitude which the Russian church shows. People of our age are often lonely as they become a burden for their youngers. Today we feel as we have met with our caring grand-children. They gave as so much love and attention. I would be happy if more young people be so helpful and considerate”.,

– комментирует участница встреч.

The series of monthly meetings aimed to improve computer and Internet literacy consists of 4 units such as “Internet safety”, “Communication”, “Services” and “Useful content”. The last unit includes a presentation of an Orthodox content as well as other useful resources.

Большая часть людей, с которыми мы общаемся в рамках проекта “Активное долголетие”, – крещеные, православные. С их стороны востребовано знакомство с интернет-ресурсами, дающими возможность изучать Православие»,

– комментируют студенты МДА.

The following step of this project is intended to start a new series of theological and ecclesiastical talks. It will give a chance to the elderly to learn more about the Orthodox Church and get competent responses about God, faith and religion.

MThA Press Office