Organizing Committee took steps to prepare for the annual joint educational conference
On October 20, the Organizing Committee hold an online meeting to discuss the preparation of the VII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Spiritual and Moral Culture in Higher Education". The conference takes part within the framework of the XXIX International Christmas Educational Readings "Alexander Nevsky: West and East, Historical Memory."
The participants represented the Russian Orthodox Church Study Committee, the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia and the Moscow Theological Academy.

The meeting chaired by V.M. Filippov, President of the RUDN University, Chairman of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, gathered representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church Study Committee and higher theological and state educational institutions. Priest Pavel Lizgunov, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, spoke on behalf of the Moscow Theological Academy.
The participants scheduled the conference for January 27th and discussed some technical issues of organizing it both in face-to-face or remote formats. They also approved themes and a conference schedule, selected speakers for a plenary session and moderators for student sections and included some extra sessions.

Также собравшиеся утвердили состав Оргкомитета, определили тему и структуру проведения конференции, выбрали спикеров на пленарное заседание и модераторов на студенческую сессию, обсудили подготовку пленарных и секционных заседаний.
Next mid-term meeting of the Organizing committee will take part in three weeks.
MThA Press Office