С Божественной литургии начался учебный год в Московской духовной академии — Московская духовная академия
Moscow region, Sergiev Posad, Lavra, Academy

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Divine Liturgy started a new academic year at the Moscow Theological Academy

On September 1st the Bishop of Zvenigorod Theodorite, the MThA Rector, and ordained academic teachers celebrated the Divine Liturgy and an evening service at the Intercession of Theotokos church.

The services gathered both members of the faculty corporation, students and the MThA staff.

At the Liturgy, Hieromonk Damian (Voronov) delivered a sermon. He reminded that all of us, like apostles, are Christ’s disciples and have a peculiar quality distinguishing us from the others, which is love. Father Damian urged to correspond to this great title, bearing the image of the Teacher.

The service finished with the Bishop Theodorite’s word to an assembly and a prayer for the beginning of a new academic year.

Затем епископ Феодорит в сослужении преподавателей Академии в священном сане совершил молебен на начало нового учебного года.

MThA Press Office

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