Регентский факультет МДА прославил рожденного Христа в Троицком соборе Лавры — Московская духовная академия
Moscow region, Sergiev Posad, Lavra, Academy

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Christmas greeting from the Precentor’s School of the Moscow Theological Academy in a St. Trinity church of the St. Trinity-Sergiu’s Laura

In the evening on the 11 th of January students of the Precentor’s School of the Moscow Theological Academy celebrated newborn Crist in a St. Trinity church of the St. Trinity-Sergiu’s Laura. 

Before a prayer hegumen Lazar (Gnativ), Dean of a precentor department, congratulated hegumen Korniliy (Moroz), Sacristy man of a St. Trinity church, and thanked him for his spiritual guidance of students.

The first and second women choirs under the conduct of K.A. Tarelkina and S.P. Borovinskaya sang Russian, Ukrainian and Polish Christmas carols. 

In the end hegumen Korniliy thanked students and wished them joy in the Lord and St. Sergiu’s blessing.

MThA Press Office