Moscow region, Sergiev Posad, Lavra, Academy

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First Justinian’s Readings at the Moscow Theological Academy

On November 27, 2020, the Department of Church Practical Disciplines at the Moscow Theological Academy, together with the Commission on Church Law at the Russian Orthodox Church Inter-Council Presence organise a scientific and practical conference "Justinian’s Readings". 

On November 27 the Church commemorated St. Justinian the Great (+ 565). The main aim of the conference is to explor a wide range of problems related to the canonical heritage and modern church law-making.

“Withdraw the rules (κανόνας), embedded in the elements, from the material creation, and order will immediately collapse. After its destruction, so will do the entire universe. Withdraw these sacred rules (κανόνας) from the Church, and disgrace will invade at once and all its sacred beauty will perish because of the atrocity ” said St. Nikodemus of the Holy Mountain. The purpose the Justinian’s Readings is to remind the importance of canons in a church life both in its past and present.


November 27, 2020

MThA, office 310 (remote participation via Zoom) 14:30 - 17:30

Presentation time is up to 20 minutes

Welcome speech by the Bishop of Zvenigorod Theodorite, Rector of the Moscow Theological Academy

1. Hegumen Dionisy (Shlenov), Professor of the MThA Philology Department. The epithet "universal" and its new meaning in Emperor Justinian’s writings.

2. Archpriest Dimitri Pashkov, Senior lecturer of the MThA Department of Church Practical Disciplines. Practical dimensions of Justinian's "symphony": state coercion and church law and order.

3. N.S. Semenova, Associate Professor of the MThA Department of Church Practical Disciplines. Symphony of relations between Church and state of St. Justinian the Great and the modern principle of "symphony": a comparative analysis.

4. Deacon Andrey Psarev, Ph.D., Professor of Holy Trinity Theological Seminary, Jordanville, New York. Application in Byzantium of the 15th canon of the Double Council.

5. Archpriest John Lapidus, PhD in Theology, Associate Professor of the MThA Department of Church Practical Disciplines. The canonical corpus and its significance in a modern life of the Orthodox Church.

6. Deacon Nikita Kuznetsov, postgraduate student of the Moscow Theological Academy, Acting Secretary of the Academic Council at the Kazan Orthodox Theological Seminary. Preconditions for the legal codification of Emperor Justinian.

7. Nikolai Sapsay, postgraduate student of the Moscow Theological Academy. The value of the codification of the Orthodox Church canons for the unity in the Orthodox world.

8. Archpriest Alexander Zadornov, PhD in Theology, Associate Professor of the Moscow Theological Academy. The Image of St. Justinian in Russian Literature of the Silver Age.

The materials will be published in a scientific journal of the Moscow Theological Academy «Praxis».

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Юстиниановские чтения

Time: 27 November 2020 02:30 PM (Moscow)

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Conference ID: 844 3476 7050

Access code : 417534

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