Entrance tests were held at the Icon Painting Faculty of the Moscow Theological Academy
From July 8 to July 10, 2024, entrance exams were held at the Icon Painting Faculty and Church Art of the Moscow Theological Academy.

On the first day, applicants registered and moved into the Pilgrimage Settlement of the Holy Trinity St. Sergius Lavra. After that they had an interview with Archimandrite Luke (Golovkov), Dean of the icon painting faculty.

The following day, applicants passed a special exam. They were asked to complete a copy an ancient icon on paper in watercolors or gouache. The purpose of the task is to identify the level of artistic preparation, the ability and skill of attentive and thoughtful copy work, which is necessary for the future process of icon painting study.

Also, applicants managed to complete a drawing on paper and lay down basic color. Someone managed to work out details such as slides, trees, architecture, folds of clothes. In the evening they were interviewed by the Dean of the Icon Painting Faculty.

On July 10, on the third day of entrance examinations, applicants took part in reviewing their work by the admissions committee. They brought homework on drawing, painting, sketches and copywork done the day before. At the same time, applicants demonstrated knowledge of basic Orthodox prayers and the ability to read texts in Church Slavonic.

On Thursday, in the Great Hall of the Academy, name of new students of the Icon Painting Faculty was announced.

List of students enrolled in the MThA Icon Painting Faculty for 2024-2025 academic year
на 2024/2025 учебный год
1. Авдеева Юлия Алексеевна.
2. Бабаянц Анастасия Ивановна.
3. Беженарь София Дмитриевна.
4. Газзаева Анастасия (Амина) Константиновна.
5. Дмитриева Мария Алексеевна.
6. Зайцева Кристина Сергеевна.
7. Золотарева Дария Александровна.
8. Измайлова Екатерина Владимировна.
9. Караваева Вера Валерьевна.
10. Мишкель Мария Андреевна.
11. Обшивалкина Варвара Дмитриевна.
12. Паршакова Ксения Ильинична.
13. Петелина София Аркадьевна.
14. Пискленова Лидия (Майя) Сергеевна.
15. Попова Анастасия Геннадьевна.
16. Федоров Павел Сергеевич.
17. Шляпин Исмаил Алексеевич.

MThA Press Office