Joint Dissertation Council in Theology has been opened
According to the order No. 1579 / nk of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation dated November 28, 2022, a joint Dissertation Council was opened on the basis of the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, the General Church Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies named after Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius and the Moscow Theological Academy of the Russian Orthodox Church.
Joint Dissertation Council will hold the defense of PhD dissertations and Doctor’s thesis in three scientific specialties such as 5.11.1 Theoretical Theology (in Orthodoxy), 5.11.2. Historical Theology (in Orthodoxy) and 5.11.3 Practical Theology (in Orthodoxy).
The chairman of the Council is Andrey Yuryevich Andreev, Dr. of Historical Sciences, Professor at the Department of Russian History of the XIX – early XX centuries at the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov and Professor at the All-Church Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies named after Saints Cyril and Methodius Equal-to-the-Apostles.
In addition, by order No. 1580 / nk of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated November 28, 2022, permission was issued to open a joint Dissertation Council in Theology on the basis of the St. Tikhon Orthodox Humanitarian University and the St. Petersburg Theological Academy of the Russian Orthodox Church in the specialties 5.11.1 Theoretical Theology (in Orthodoxy) and 5.11.2. Historical Theology (in Orthodoxy). Archpriest Oleg Viktorovich Davydenkov, Dr. of Theological Sciences, was approved as the Chairman of the Dissertation Council.
The work of the new joint Dissertation Councils will contribute to scientific researches in Theology and increase the number of qualified specialists in each of the three theological specialties.
Dissertation Council on the basis of the General Church Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies, the Moscow Theological Academy and the Moscow State University announces the start of accepting documents from PhD and Doctor’s applicants.
General Church Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies Press Service/MThA Press Office