Moscow region, Sergiev Posad, Lavra, Academy

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The Moscow Theological Academy, the Institute of Coptic Studies and the Coptic Theological Seminary met during a round table discussion

On the November 11th representatives of the Moscow Theological Academy, the Institute of Coptic Studies and the Coptic Theological Seminary met in Elizabeth’s hall due to have a round table discussion dedicated to the partnership between theological institutions.

The Rector of Moscow Theological Academy Pitirim, the Bishop of Zvenigorod greeted the assembly:

«I am glad to welcome your delegation in this hall. I would like to say that we are bound to each other by strong friendly connections and we have gathered here to discuss our further partnership and find new ways of our future development. Some members of our delegation, who visited your country this spring, are also here today. They were amazed by the things they had seen, and now there are still a great deal of those who want to learn more about your culture, customs and traditions. 

In return The Rector of Coptic Theological Seminary said his greeting word: 

Хочу поблагодарить вас за теплый прием, несмотря на холодную погоду. Я очень впечатлен тремя вещами. Прежде всего, большим количеством человек обучающихся в духовном заведении. Потом Литургией свт. Иоанна Златоуста на церковнославянском языке в Покровском храме. И наконец, организованностью и профессионализмом хора – я чувствовал себя как на небесах.

We are here to discuss the development of our further relationships on the theological background. We have already negotiated and described some forms of our partnership. So, I could suggest such ways as long-term education, during which our students will be able to get Master’s and Ph.D degree, or short-term programmes for up to 4-5 months. I think that we can learn a lot from you, however, you can also gain a lot from us.

The Bishop of Zvenigorod Pitirim, Rector of Moscow Theological Academy, archpriest Alexander (Zubov), Vice-rector for scientific and theological work, deacon Sergey (Panteleev), Head of Oriental studies cabinet, priest Pavel (Lizgunov), Vice-rector for academic work, bishop Mark, Rector of Coptic Theological Seminary, Doctor Sami Sabri Shaker, Rector of Institute of Coptic Studies, Doctor Ishac Ibragim Agben, professors and teachers of all three institutions took part in a debate.

As a part of cooperation between the following theological centers it would be possible to organize the exchange programmes not only for students but also for their teachers. 

The Institute of Coptic Studies consists of about 10 departments, including the department of Theology. Russian students might be interested in doing African studies, learn Coptic language, Music, History, Art, Archeology and Architecture. Beside that it would be possible to cooperate in the area of inter-church relationship, such as iconography and other types of art. It would be useful to learn History of both Churches or organise joint projects or conferences.

Beside that it would be possible to cooperate in the area of inter-church relationship, such as iconography and other types of art. It would be useful to learn History of both Churches or organise joint projects or conferences.

The archpriest Alexander (Zadornov), Vice-rector for scientific and theological work, mentioned that 90% of all said coincides with the common objectives and concerns about the future of our partnership. He also introduced two topics which might be mutually interesting:

  1. From the scientific-pastoral point of view, to learn traditions of Egyptian monasteries and customs of their monastic lives;
  2. To acquaint members of Russian Orthodox Church with the contemporary state of Coptic Orthodox Church life.

To find out more about both churches it was offered to do collaborative study, which would explain some of their fundamental statements of faith.

The deacon Sergey (Panteleev), Head of Oriental studies cabinet, suggested:

We would really appreciate any publications from both sides, in which we would tell about our life and Our Church. From now and then or judgements and speculations are abstract, so it would be right if the representatives of Coptic Church join and witness with their own example this living tradition. 

The archbishop Paiisiy, Vice-rector of Coptic Theological Seminary, advised to assemble two teams of professors from both sides to discuss some scientific matters. Subsequently, they might meet at the conference in Cairo where they will be able to reach joint decisions on a list of questions about scientific partnership. 

At the end of the meeting bishop Pitirim thanked all the guests for the productive and highly constructive dialogue and wished to benefit from visiting Russia and particularly Moscow.

Background information:

The list of pearsons attending the round-table discussion: 

  • The Bishop of Zvenigorod Pitirim, Rector of Moscow Theological Academy,
  • archpriest Alexander (Zubov), Vice-rector for scientific and theological work,
  • hieromonk Vyacheslav (Sorokin), acting Vice-rector for educational work,
  • hieromonk Domitian (Kurlanov), senior assistant of Vice-rector for educational work,
  • priest Pavel (Lizgunov), Vice-rector for academic work,
  • deacon Sergey (Panteleev), Head of Oriental studies cabinet,
  • hieromonk Feodor (Yulaev), lecturer of Moscow Theological Academy,
  • bishop Mark, Rector of Coptic Theological Seminary,
  • Doc. Sami Sabri Shaker, Rector of Institute of Coptic Studies,
  • archbishop Paisii and archbishop Vasilii, Vice-rectors of Coptic Theological Seminary
  • Doctor Ishac Ibragim Agben, General secretary of Institute of Coptic Studies, Commissioner of the Dialogue between Russian and Coptic Churches, 
  • professors and students of both Institute of Coptic Studies and Coptic Theological Seminary.

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