Moscow region, Sergiev Posad, Lavra, Academy

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Bishop Kirill: “Education is not the accumulation of knowledge, but the cultivation of personal qualities and the transformation of soul.” The Rector met with new-comers of the Academy

On September 4, 2023, the Bishop of Sergiev Posad and Dmitrov, Rector of the Moscow Theological Academy, met with first-year Bachelor’s and Master’s students and students from the Icon-painting and Church Singing Art faculties in the Great Assembly Hall.

First of all, the Rector congratulated the students on their admission to the theological school and expressed his hope that their time at the Academy would become a fruitful and useful period of their lives developing their personal, spiritual and intellectual qualities.

Bishop Kirill urged students not to get used to the atmosphere in which students’ life will take place, but keep a feeling of reverence and remember why do they study at a theological educational institution. The Bishop compared the study at the Academy to a marathon, when to achieve a good result you need to keep an average pace and balance your strengths.

Education is not the accumulation of knowledge, but the cultivation of personal qualities and the transformation of soul, he noted.

During the conversation, the Rector focused on setting right priorities in a spiritual life as well as the studying and recommended some Christian literature.

At the end, the Rector answered students’ questions sharing his personal experience.

After the meeting, Bishop Kirill presented Bibles to the new-comers.

MThA Press Office

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