Moscow region, Sergiev Posad, Lavra, Academy

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Sunday services at the Moscow Theological Academy

On December 11 and 12, Sunday services were held at the Intercession Church of the Moscow Theological Academy.

During the all-night vigil, they heard a passage from the Gospel of Mark, in which the Lord sent His disciples on preaching the Good News.

And He said to them, «Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned (Mark 16: 15-16)».

Each Christian is an apostle who is summoned to preach the Holy Gospel to all people. However, firstly, he has to testify his faith with his life. The Christian should radiate love to this world and, according to the Savior, “by this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another» (John 13:35).

On December 11, Archimandrite Hilarion (Porkavets) led the All-night vigil at the Intercession Academic Church.

To strengthen the faith, St. Basil the Great teaches to follow the commandments: “Let the God’s commandments live with you, being for you the light and illumination for judging deeds”. Here Basil the Great says that we should evaluate our actions through the Christian point of view. So, brothers and sisters, let us strive to attain a rational faith that is free from extremities and give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you (1 Pet. 3:15)».

Для укрепления истинной веры святитель Василий Великий учит следовать Божественным заповедям: “Пусть заповеди Божии живут с тобой, непрестанно сообщая тебе как бы свет и озарение для суждения о делах”. Здесь Василий Великий говорит о том, что оценку своим поступкам мы должны давать через призму христианского мировоззрения. Так будем же, братья и сестры, стремиться к достижению разумной веры. Потому как именно такая вера, свободная от крайностей, поможет дать нам надежный ответ требующему у нас отчета в нашем уповании (1 Пет. 3:15)».

On December 12, Archimandrite Hilarion (Forkavets) celebrated the Divine Liturgy co-served by teachers and students in the priesthood.

After the sacrament verse, Eugine Anisimov, a 1st year Master’s student, delivered a sermon:

Dear brothers and sisters! The Nativity Fast is a special time to pray fervently to God, take care of people around you and follow the call of the apostles to meet a title of a Christian with all humility, meekness and longsuffering. Condescending to each other with love, let’s try to maintain a unity of spirit and peace».

Background information:

Chanting performed by a male choir under the conduct of E.V. Borovinsky and the first mixed choir led by S.P. Borovinskaya.

MThA Press Office

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