Библиотека — Московская духовная академия
Moscow region, Sergiev Posad, Lavra, Academy


Библиотека Московской духовной академии, одного из ведущих учебных заведений Русской Православной Церкви, – одно из крупнейших хранилищ богословской и церковно-исторической литературы на территории России и стран СНГ.

В фондах Библиотеки собраны и хранятся более 350 тыс. экземпляров книг, выпускных квалификационных работ, журналов, газет, карт, изоматериалов, фотографий, электронных копий книг и рукописей, а также медиаресурсов.


  • 1300 manuscripts;
  • 10,000 books published before 1826;
  • more than 350,000 books in 130 languages.

In accordance with the Academy's principles of educational and research activities, the main acquisitions of the Library focus on theology, biblical studies, philology, church history, philosophy, church art and applied church disciplines. In addition, the Library's collections include publications, archives, and documents that meet the needs of current educational programs, as well as contribute to the comprehensive development and education of MThA students and the professional development of members of the teaching and learning corps.

Digital Catalogue and Digital Library

The library has created and continues to develop three electronic catalogues: ABIS "IRBIS64" and ABIS "OPAC-Global".

Most of the library's collection shows up on IRBIS64, including MThA graduation works, video and audio materials. Work on cataloguing foreign literature, archives and maps into the electronic catalogue is in progress. Catalogues are also being created for some of the manuscript collections of the Russian State Library Manuscript Collection, Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts and Central Historical Archive of Moscow, which are related to the MThA, Trinity-Sergius Lavra and individual church personas.

Продолжается работа над наполнением Электронной библиотеки. Доступ к электронному каталогу и к электронной библиотеке осуществляется на территории Московской духовной академии. Основной книжный каталог и 5000 электронных копий книг электронной библиотеки также доступны на сайте Библиотеки МДА.

Outside digital resources

The MThA library has subscriptions to the following electronic databases:

  • Электронно-библиотечная система «Университетская библиотека онлайн»,    http://biblioclub.ru. Доступ осуществляется с любой точки локальной сети МДА без регистрации; при авторизации – с любой точки выхода в интернет по России.
  • The Presidential Library, https://www.prlib.ru/. Access is provided from the computers in the Reading Room.
  • National Digital Library, https://нэб.рф/. Access is provided from the computers in the Reading Room.

Work Space

The library has a modern Reading Room with 36 workstations, including 8 workstations equipped with computers with access to the Electronic Catalogue, electronic databases and Internet access.

In the subscription department there is a collection of all necessary texbooks and literature, which may be requested without prior order. There are 8 workstations in the Subscription hall.

In the Subscription hall there is a systematic and alphabetical card catalogue, a catalogue of foreign literature, a catalogue of journals and a systematic card catalogues of articles.

Literature from the main book collection may be ordered in the Reading Room and the Subscription hall. Materials are issuedin the Reading Room.

Правила пользования, категории читателей, перечень услуг, предоставляемых Библиотекой и график работы размещены на сайте Библиотеки в разделе меню «Обслуживание».

Residential students, teachers and staff of the Moscow Theological Academy, students of the School of Iconography and the Choir Director's School have free access to all the literature available in the collections and to all the resources provided by the MThA Library.

External users engaged in research activities can also gain access. A request form for access can be found at here.

Visiting hours

The Administration Office and Subscription Office

Monday to Friday: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Reading Hall

Monday to Friday: 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Saturday and the days preceding Great Church Feast: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Sundays and big church holidays: 12 a.m. - 8 p.m.

Selection of ordered literature from the main book collection:

Monday to Friday: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Saturday: 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Более подробная информация о графике работы Библиотеки находится на сайте в разделе меню «Обслуживание, Часы работы».


141312, Московская область, г. Сергиев Посад

территория Лавра, Московская духовная академия, Библиотека

Web-site:  http://lib.mpda.ru/

VK: https://vk.com/bibliotheca_mda

Канал в Telegram: https://t.me/BibliothekaMDA

Telephone: +7 (985) 743-4489

E-mail:  bibliotheca.mda@mail.ru

Head of the MThA Library

Туркин Павел Александрович