Киностудия — Московская духовная академия
Moscow region, Sergiev Posad, Lavra, Academy

Film Studio

"The Theologian" film studio is an information/production resource platform of the Moscow Theological Academy, established in 2010 to ensure the introduction of information technologies into theological education and learning...  

The main task of the film studio is to popularize Orthodox theology.

Today, THE THEOLOGIAN film studio boasts:

И ещё немного о нас:

The author of the project is Archpriest Paul Velikanov, Candidate of Theology, Head of the Theology Department of the Moscow Theological Academy, Associate Professor.

Созданием и развитием киностудии «Богослов», а также всеми производственными процессами студии руководит продюсер студии иерей Анатолий Колот.